Tuesday January 7, 2025

Posted: January 7, 2025

Jan 2025

Daily Update:
We enjoyed our first official day back yesterday, filled with excitement. Today was all about easing into our regular schedule. After coming in from outside, we jumped right into our routine. Our spelling word was “resolution,” and our Show Not Tell was “He loves school.” We did our Heggerty listening exercises (if you’ve never seen them, you can check them out here). Our reading maze required us to choose the (learn / correct / school) word to complete the sentence. During our Work on Writing, we used the prompt “One fun thing I did over the break was…” and focused on extending our writing stamina for the full 15 minutes. Then we had Read to Self time and shared our writing pieces before taking a quick snack break.

After Recess:
The Grade 1 & 2 students reviewed how to represent numbers. We stumbled a bit representing our “Number of the Day” (74) with nickels and dimes. We also practiced addition on the iPads using digits 0-9 and did some color-by-sum pages for sums up to 10. Meanwhile, the Grade 3s worked on showing given numbers with manipulatives and drawing them pictorially.

After Lunch:
We met with Mrs. Robichaud and read a book called The Wish Tree. We talked about New Year’s resolutions being something that we want to improve about ourselves. Then we discussed what wishes we might have for others—aiming to spread kindness, friendship, and a sense of belonging.

We warmed up by playing “PIG” for throwing and catching a Newcomb ball, then moved on to a Newcomb ball game using the net. It was a great way to practice our aim and teamwork!

End of Day:
We wrapped up the day with our usual routine, working on our Book of Gratitude. Today’s prompt was “Today I was thankful for…” After filling in our Home to School books, we squeezed in eight full minutes of free choice before dismissal.

Picture of the Day:
Everyone stayed calm, focused, and quiet while working—better snap a photo quickly before this rare moment passes!