
Posted: November 24, 2013

Active Transportation Another way to accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity each day is by using active transportation. What is active transportation? It means to walk, bike or rollerblade instead of going by car! To do this:-Put on your sneakers, strap on a backpack and walk all, or part of the way to school.-Think twice before asking for a drive. Could you walk or use your bike instead?Did you know that if children walked for all trips less than one kilometer theywould accumulate approximately 15 to 20 minutes of walking per trip?

Posted: November 17, 2013

Energy Drinks and Sport DrinksEnergy drinks (ie. Redbull, Monster, Red Rain, Rockstar, Amp, Five hour Energy) claim to give you more energy and make you more alert. However, they are full of caffeine and sugar! They also contain other substances, such as guarana, that has 2-3 times more caffeine than a coffee bean. The amount of caffeine in most energy drinks exceeds the recommendations for children. Caffeine can cause nervousness, anxiety, stomach/intestinal upset, rapid heart rate, trouble sleeping, headache, fatigue, irritability and poor concentration.

Posted: November 13, 2013

Please read the atttached notices that have been sent to us from District Office:

Posted: November 12, 2013

Benefits of Physical ActivityHere are some benefits of doing physical activity each day:1.Better health2.Improved fitness3.Better posture and balance4.Better self-esteem5.Weight control6.Stronger muscles and bones7.Feeling more energetic and  happier8.Feeling less stressed and more relaxed9.Increased concentration/ better academic score Here are some risks of being inactive:1.Heart disease2.Obesity3.High blood pressure4.Diabetes5.Osteoporosis6.Stroke7.Depression8.Colon cancerAs you can see, you can really benefit from being physically active!(ASD-N Healthy Learners Program)

Posted: November 6, 2013

We here at Napan Elementary will be having our Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday, November 8th, 2013 from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the gym.  All Parents are guardians are welcome to attend.

Posted: November 6, 2013

Physical Activity Guidelines The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that children and youth (5-17 years) should do at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily. This should include: 1. Intense activities at least 3 days per week (ex. running, basketball, soccer) 2. Activities that strengthen muscle and bone at least 3 days per week.(ex. climbing and swinging on playground equipment, running, walking, jumping rope) The more you do, the better your health will be! It is recommended that you limit the time spent being inactive each day. This can be achieved by:

Posted: October 31, 2013

  The Staff at Napan Elementary would like to wish the Students a very happy & SAFE halloween!

Posted: October 29, 2013

We have been given our skating dates. Parents are invited to help out at the rink. All skaters must wear helmets. Younger students should wear snowpants and mittens or gloves. Please mark your calanders. We skate on Wednesdays at the LBA from 10:30- 11:30am on the following dates: Nov.13 & 27, Dec. 11, Jan. 15 & 29, Feb. 12 & 26, and March 19th.

Posted: October 4, 2013

The students did an amazing job collecting pledges! This small group of 66 raised $1055.00. Many community members joined in making our walk a huge success. Thanks to all who took part.

Posted: September 20, 2013

Kindergarten registration will take place at Napan Elementary from October 15th to 18th for children who will turn 5 by December 31, 2014 and who start school in September 2014. Register your child for Kindergarten this October and receive information and invitations to be part of activities to support your child’s learning.


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