Monday February 3, 2025

Posted: February 3, 2025

Feb 3

Daily Update:
Although it was a cold morning, compared to last week today felt a bit warmer, so we started the day outdoors to enjoy the fresh air. Our spelling word was “cantaloupe.” Today's Show, Not Tell was “his room was messy.” We completed our Heggerty Listening games, tackled a reading maze, and then did our UFLI lesson and writing activity on “how to paint.” We also spent extra time refining our introduction and conclusion for procedural writing before snack.

After Recess:
The Grade 1 & 2 students reviewed representing numbers and practiced sampling and estimating (they’re getting really good at estimating bananas!). The Grade 3s worked on estimating solutions for a story problem involving the sum of two 2-digit numbers, and they enjoyed 15 minutes of DreamBox practice.

After Lunch:
We spent some time classifying animals—basically, we sorted them into groups.

In PE, we used gator skin balls, which are soft and perfect for throwing and catching since they don’t sting or hurt. The class played a game of tornado, followed by tag using these balls. They came back sweaty, which is always a great sign!

End of Day:
After gym, we returned to work on our Book of Gratitude with the prompt, “A surprise that made me happy today was…” We reviewed our morning work, updated our Home to School books, and some students enjoyed free choice time while others finished any remaining tasks. We also discussed how to respectfully take pictures and videos on our iPads—a tricky etiquette that we’ll revisit soon.

Picture of the Day:
Last week we finished our Hot Air Balloons, and I finally posted the final product!