Bucket Fillers

Check out our Bucket Fillers each Month!

Congratulations Ben on being April's Bucket Filler of the month for faithfully getting the milk for his classmates on a daily basis.

Posted: May 10, 2024

Congratulations to Myles on being March's Bucket Filler for helping  pass out the hot lunch burgers to all of his classmates!!

Posted: May 10, 2024

Congratulations to Wyatt for being February's Bucket Filler bu trying hard to become more independent!! Great Effort Wyatt!

Posted: May 9, 2024

Congratulations to Emma!  She is January's Bucket Filler for helping another student who had hurt her feelings!

Posted: January 15, 2024

Congratulations to River!  He is our December's Bucket Filler for always being respectful to the teachers.  Great job River!

Jillian was picked to for November's bucket filler of the month.  She gave Parker a compliment on his annoucements.  Great job Jillian.

Kal comes to school every day with a positive attitude.   It helps me have great days at school.   Keep up the great work Kal! 

Congratulations to Cohen who is the Bucket Filler for the month of September.

Cohen was seen helping a classmate with his shoes.  It is so nice to see students helping students.   

Great job Cohen!

Posted: June 1, 2023

Congratulations to Mia who is the Bucket Filler of the month for May!

Mia is always kind to her classmates and her teachers...

Congratulations to Axel!!! He was picked for April's Bucket Filler of the Month!

Axed used I-Care language while playing with a friend.  Great job Axel! 


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Added: Mon, May 13 2024