Monday March 17, 2025

Posted: March 18, 2025

Mar 17

Daily Update:
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Our spelling word of the day was “Leprechaun.” Today's "Show, Not Tell" sentence was: “She was ready for St. Patrick’s Day.” We talked about different ways to describe excitement for the holiday without saying it outright. We completed our Heggerty listening games and worked through a reading maze about St. Patrick’s Day and staying dry on the playground—an important skill given today's wet weather! In UFLI, we focused on vowel teams for the long *i* sound. Our writing prompt was “How to Catch a Leprechaun,” and students got creative with their traps and tricks! After a short independent reading session, we enjoyed a little St. Patrick’s Day treat before heading into an indoor recess.

After Recess:
The Grade 1s and 2s tackled a big math quiz, testing their skills with both addition and subtraction questions. Once they were done, they got a bit of free choice time on the tablets while I worked on wrapping up end-of-term assessments. For the Grade 3s, Mr. Ross was away, and we had a guest teacher for the day—can you remember his name?

Social Studies:
Today was Saint Patricks day, so we looked at the history and facts about St Paddy's day.  Did you know the biggest parade in the world for St. Patricks day is held in New York City?  We even watched some of it on the live stream on YouTube.  

We started with some basketball warm-up drills before jumping into a high-energy game! By the end, everyone came out red-faced and dripping with sweat—always a sign of a great gym class.

End of Day Routine:
We worked on French vocabulary related to months and reviewed numbers 11-20. In our Book of Gratitude, today’s prompt was: “I felt lucky today when…”. Before heading home, we wrapped up the day with some lucky cupcakes, and Miss Brown kindly dismissed the class while I stepped out for a quick meeting.

Picture of the Day:
Lego Club got even better today with some new pieces added to the collection!