Posted: October 21, 2024
Daily Update:
We kicked off the day on the mat, tuning in to the morning announcements. Our spelling word was “chimpanzee,” and the "Show, Not Tell" sentence was “She drove fast.” Some students really got into this one—I’m guessing they’ve seen a few speedy drivers in action! We worked through our Heggerty listening exercises and had fun doodling a ghost sipping hot chocolate. After a quick two-minute workout, we tackled our Work on Writing prompt: “Over the weekend I...” In UFLI, students also engaged with a brief reading passage for practice.
In math, the Grade 3 students explored how to represent numbers using proportional concrete materials and explain their equivalence. They also sharpened their mental math skills by bridging to friendly numbers. Grade 2 students focused on applying mental strategies for addition facts up to 18, emphasizing the doubles rule. For example, if 5+5=10, then 5+6 can be thought of as 5+5+1=11. Meanwhile, Grade 1 students represented numbers up to 20 using a variety of manipulatives.
After Lunch:
After lunch, we dove back into *The One and Only Ivan.* We discovered that Ivan once dressed up in a tuxedo, took photos with people at the mall, and even slept in Mac’s bed! He was excited about his new home with a tire swing, unaware he would be stuck there for a long time. In science, we discussed the purpose of the skull. It doesn’t just give our face structure—do you remember what else it protects?
We tried our hand at capture the flag today! Some of the rules were a bit tricky to follow, so we experimented with a few different versions of the game to make it more fun for everyone.
Day End:
To finish off the day, we reflected in our Book of Gratitude, using the prompt: “A new thing I learned today was…” Then, we signed our Home to School books and enjoyed a bit of free choice time before heading to the buses. We also received two notes—one about skating and another regarding hot lunch orders (see attached).
Picture of the Day:
Today marked the first day of floor hockey at noon, and Case was giving it everything he had!