Posted: February 6, 2025
Daily Update:
It was a little cold this morning, so we started the day indoors and received a reminder about our breakfast program. We are so grateful for our wonderful volunteers who arrive early before their own work begins; it's important that we clean up after ourselves to show respect for their efforts. Our spelling word was “momentarily.” Today's Show, Not Tell was “He is kind.” We completed our Heggarty Listening games and then dove into our UFLI lesson and writing activity on “How to make a snowman.” We also had a Read to Self session, which went much better than yesterday. Although we didn’t have enough time to share our writing in the morning, we returned to it after lunch. We grabbed a snack and enjoyed a quiet indoor recess.
After Recess:
The Grade 1 & 2 students focused on place value as they reviewed number representation. They completed a quick vocabulary quiz and worked on solving subtraction equations by introducing the concept of difference. We encountered a few challenges when shifting from addition to subtraction, but I’m confident we’ll master it soon—especially when we start mixing in symbols! Remember, the key to math is to be neat and take your time. Mr. Ross was out today, so the Grade 3s carried on with their review and were very respectful to the supply teacher.
After Lunch:
We shared our writing from the morning, and then discussed strategies for becoming better active listeners.
We had a supply teacher cover for Mr. Ross during PE. Mrs. Hache reported that we did a great job in the gym! We played some basketball and a bit of floor hockey. I hope the teams were balanced and fair.
End of Day:
After gym, we returned to the classroom and worked on our Book of Gratitude using the prompt, “I felt brave when …” We reviewed our morning work, signed our Home to School books, and some students earned free choice time. It looks like tomorrow will be a nice afternoon, so we’ll be heading to the Napan Community Hall outdoor rink for PE—remember to bring your skates and helmets!
Picture of the Day:
One of the students sharing their morning writing piece!