Thursday January 23, 2025

Posted: January 23, 2025

Jan 23

Daily Update:
Another chilly morning meant starting off indoors, but hopefully it’ll warm up tomorrow—be sure to dress for the cold just in case! Our spelling word was “tournament,” and our Show, Not Tell prompt was “She loves basketball.” We worked through our Heggarty Listening games and finished a reading maze. In our UFLI lesson, we practiced identifying syllables on the SmartBoard, using markers and whiteboard paddles. Our writing prompt was “My morning routine at school starts…,” and we wrapped up with a quick Read to Self before another indoor recess.

After Recess:
Everyone had math. Grade 1 students focused on skip counting by 2s, while Grade 2 practiced skip counting by 10s. We also explored different ways to represent numbers and learned to find sums of single-digit numbers using the counting-on strategy—some kids scored a perfect 25 out of 25 today! Meanwhile, Grade 3 worked on mental math strategies, including moving one addend to the nearest multiple of 10 to find the sum, and using doubles to get a total. We also got some DreamBox time while Mr. Ross did one-on-one check-ins.

After an Indoor Lunch:
We started our Hot Air Balloon Collage project. Last week we snapped our photos, and today we traced out our balloons and began decorating them with our own designs.

We kicked things off with basketball drills and finished with a series of relays. Some students seemed to have extra energy from being cooped up inside these past couple of days and really went all-out during PE!

End of Day:
After gym, we skipped the Book of Gratitude to work on our hot air balloons. We checked over our morning work, filled out our Home to School books, and then had some free choice time before packing up for home.

Picture of the Day:
Eating lunch, chatting with friends, and watching a video—no wonder lunchtime is a crowd favorite!