Tuesday January 14, 2025

Posted: January 14, 2025

Jan 14

Daily Update:
We kicked off the day in our usual fashion. Today’s spelling word was “realistic,” and our Show, Not Tell prompt was “She was a strict teacher.” We proceeded with our Heggerty Listening games, then focused on Read to Self stamina while ensuring our book boxes contained no more than five titles. We continued part two of our UFLI lesson on exceptions to the VCe pattern, tackling irregular words like “come,” “have,” “done,” and “give.” Our Work on Writing prompt was “When it snows…,” and we shared our pieces with one another.

After Recess:
Grade 1 and 2 students revisited representing numbers, practicing addition and exploring fact families. We had a quick addition quiz and played a matching game to connect standard form with 10-frame representations. Meanwhile, the Grade 3s examined digits in three-digit numbers, especially when all three digits are the same. They also practiced representing a base-10-block arrangement in a non-conventional format.

After Lunch:
We spent time with Miss Robichaud, who posed a different kind of question: not “What do you want to be when you grow up?” but “Who do you want to become?” Instead of dreaming of a specific job, we thought about qualities we want to develop—hardworking, patient, forgiving, confident, and so on. The best part? We can start working toward those traits right now.

We had some intense indoor soccer drills and games, leaving everyone with red faces and lots of energy burned. Our gym may be smaller than a full soccer field, but we definitely ran just as much!

End of Day:
After PE, we worked on our Book of Gratitude, using the prompt “Today I learned about…” Then we double-checked our morning work, signed our Home to School books, and tidied our desks. Those who finished everything earned some free choice time before the bell. Remember, the more you stay on task in the morning, the more time you’ll have later!

Picture of the Day:
Miss Robichaud warming us up with a few questions before reading a story to the class.