Tuesday March 18, 2025

Posted: March 18, 2025

Mar 18

Daily Update:
Our spelling word today was “interruption.” Today's "Show, Not Tell" sentence was: “It was a spring day.” We described the sights, sounds, and smells that signal the change of seasons. We completed our Heggerty listening games and worked through a reading maze about the arrival of spring and the melting snow. In UFLI, we continued practicing vowel teams for the long *i* sound. Our writing prompt was “How to Get a Good Report Card,” as there is no school on Friday while teachers work on report cards. After a short independent reading session, we got ready to enjoy the outdoors now that the rain and snow had finally stopped.

After Recess:
The Grade 1s and 2s focused on adding a one-digit and two-digit number in columns, emphasizing the importance of lining up numbers correctly by place value. The Grade 3s worked on end-of-term assessments and spent some time on DreamBox. After math, we headed to the library for a session with Mrs. Robichaud.

With Mrs. Robichaud, we explored brain power! We learned about three key parts of the brain—the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala—and discussed how understanding them can help us in everyday life. Do you remember what each of these parts controls?

PE After Lunch:
We started with 10 minutes of basketball drills before splitting into two teams for an exciting game. Each team’s goal was to knock over the other team’s pins using Gator balls. I’m not sure of the official name of the game, but one thing is for sure—it keeps everyone on their toes!

Roots of Empathy:
Alyson visited today to help us develop our emotional awareness. We examined pictures of children displaying different body language and facial expressions, then guessed what they might be feeling and why. When was a time you felt embarrassed, angry, sad, surprised, or fearful?

End of Day Routine:
We continued practicing French vocabulary for months and numbers 11-20. In our Book of Gratitude, today’s prompt was: “Today I am grateful for….” After checking our morning work, some students earned free choice time.

Picture of the Day:
Basketball warmups are always fun—until I steal your ball because I’m too quick!