Posted: October 15, 2024

Daily Update:
We began our day watching the morning announcements on the mat. I completely forgot to check over yesterday's work—oops! Today's spelling word was "Utilize." For our "Show, Not Tell" prompt, we worked with the phrase "She was tired." We then moved on to our Heggerty listening games, followed by doodling some cute leaf characters. We added the final coat of paint to our 3D prints before putting them by the window to dry. During literacy rotations, we practiced writing, with the prompt, "If I could visit anywhere in the world, I would go..."
The Grade 1s and 2s updated their calendar and practiced representing numbers in multiple ways. The Grade 1s focused on writing numbers in word form and counting sets, while the Grade 2s tackled basic addition. Meanwhile, the Grade 3s practiced front-end counting, ordering 3-digit numbers, and played some DreamBox games.
After Lunch:
This afternoon, we welcomed Mr. Blakley for guidance, where he talked to us about mental health. What do you think it means to take care of your mental health?
For PE, we headed outside to play a game of soccer baseball. The game was challenging today because we were a bit distracted by some huge planes flying overhead and landing nearby!
Day End:
At the end of the day, we added to our Book of Gratitude, reflecting on the prompt, "Someone who made me laugh today was..." Afterward, we signed our Home to School books and enjoyed a few minutes of responsible choice time before getting ready to go home. Be sure to bundle up—the days (and especially mornings) are getting cooler!
Picture of the Day:
Our class had a blast playing soccer baseball today, even with the distraction of the planes soaring above!