Posted: October 22, 2024

Daily Update:
We began our day gathered on the mat, catching up with the morning announcements. Our spelling word was “cranium,” and our "Show, Not Tell" sentence for today was “He likes candy.” We also worked through our Heggerty listening games. For doodling, we sketched a ghost holding a cup of hot chocolate—perfect for the season! A quick two-minute workout helped wake us up before tackling the day's writing prompt, “If I were the teacher for the day…” The ideas shared were hilarious, though I don’t think free kittens for every student will happen anytime soon! In UFLI, we focused on word chains and blending sounds.
In math, Grade 1 students practiced skip counting by 2’s and identifying even and odd numbers. Grade 2 worked on the doubles plus 2 strategy for mental math. Grade 3 explored 3-digit numbers using base 10 materials, creating various representations, and spent some time working in Dreambox Math.
After Lunch:
We headed to the library after lunch to visit Mrs. Robichaud. She brought out some puppets to accompany her story, which made the lesson extra fun. The discussion focused on when to keep secrets and when to share them, as well as how to trust your instincts.
It was a beautiful day, so we headed to the outdoor courts for a game of basketball. By the end, I’m not sure who won the 4-on-2 game, but it looked like everyone was having a great time!
Day End:
As the day wrapped up, we added an entry to our Book of Gratitude with the prompt: “I felt supported when…” Afterward, we double-checked our morning work to make sure everything was completed, signed our Home to School books, and enjoyed a few minutes of free choice before heading to the bus.
Picture of the Day:
While sharing their writing, some students sounded like they were running for office with promises of free kittens and Nintendo DS systems for everyone!