Wednesday January 8, 2025

Posted: January 8, 2025

Jan 2025

Daily Update:
I started the day feeling like a celebrity when I was asked for my autograph, I got to sign someone’s cast! Our spelling word was “whispering,” and the Show Not Tell prompt was “He was a good writer.” We worked through our Heggerty Listening games, then tackled our Work on Writing.  Todays prompt: “I am good at…”  Some people take pride in getting their siblings in trouble.  I won't judge since I do too.   In UFLI, we practiced word chains and had some Read to Self time. After that, we shared our writing pieces with each other.

After Recess:
The Grade 1 & 2 students continued reviewing how to represent numbers. We used iPads for basic addition (digits 0-9) and did some place value coloring on a hundreds chart. Meanwhile, the Grade 3s practiced their multiplication facts, wrote out number words for multiples of 10 and 100, and wrapped up with a session on DreamBox.

After Lunch:
We met with Mr. Whalen!  We did some ukele practice and are are lining up something special for the next few weeks.  It will definately take some work on our end, but it will be fun! 

We focused on positions in a game of Newcomb Ball and ended with a round of Museum. I still haven’t quite grasped the rules, but everyone seemed to love it!

End of Day:
After PE, we followed our usual routine. Our Book of Gratitude prompt was “A friend who helped me today was…” We got our Home to School books signed, then had some extra iPad time—practicing how to freeze and flip to the carpet before the clock ran out!

Picture of the Day:
Look closely and you’ll spot some familiar faces enjoying Drawing Club at lunch.