Posted: November 27, 2024
Daily Update:
We started the day inside due to the wet weather. After singing O’Canada, we watched the morning announcements and got straight to work. Our spelling word was “inconsistent,” and our Show, Not Tell was “The road was busy.” We completed our Heggerty Listening games and worked through our Reading Maze. After some exercises, we practiced one of our Christmas songs. Later, we headed down to the library to practice on the ukuleles and discovered that Paul Robichaud had hung them all up for easy access—what a great idea! Back in the classroom, we continued with our literacy rotations. Our Work on Writing prompt was “If I could go to the North Pole, I would…” During our teacher conference, we focused on word chains with magnetic letters and consonant digraphs. Can you recall what a consonant digraph is?
After Recess:
The Grade 1s and 2s worked on filling in missing numbers between 1 and 30 while reviewing important math vocabulary like “sum” and “difference.” We also practiced identifying coins and used nickels and dimes to do some counting. The Grade 3s revisited skip counting forwards and backwards, and they wrapped up the session with some DreamBox activities on the iPad.
After Lunch:
We returned to the library with Mr. Whalen to show him our progress on the ukuleles and strumming. There’s still work to do, but I’m confident we’ll be ready for our performance soon!
Mr. Ross led us through warm-up basketball drills followed by some flag games. There might have even been a surprise appearance from a scooter or two!
End of Day:
We concluded with our Book of Gratitude, using the prompt, “I’m thankful for my classmates because…” Afterward, we completed our Home to School books and double-checked our morning activities and writing work. Some students managed to fit in free choice time on the iPads, while others worked to finish their tasks before the bell. Remember, time management is key!
Picture of the Day:
A snapshot from our basketball warm-up in PE. Mr. Ross would definitely appreciate that pun!