Home Learning April 6th- 10th

Posted: April 6, 2020


Hello Parents and Students.  Today begins our journey into Home Learning!  I hope to provide the students with purposeful learning opportunities but do not want these tasks to create hardships for the families.  These are suggestions so that the students can continue to have some practice in the areas of reading, writing, and math in particular.  Please feel free to contact me via email with any questions or concerns at cheryl.carroll@nbed.nb.ca


Grade 4/5 students:


We will follow a weekly routine where it is suggested that you spend 1 hour/day doing the following tasks:


  1. Math – Login to Dreambox and spend 20-30 min working on tasks and assignments (an activity is assigned by me if there is a calendar icon in the corner of the activity).  I have attached a letter in the documents tab with instructions to access Dreambox at home.  Please email me if you do not know your password or are having trouble finding the site.

    The website specific to our school is: https://play.dreambox.com/login/knjs/6a9h

  2. Writing Journal Spend 15-20 minutes each day writing a journal entry.  Make sure that you date each entry!  There are some suggestions on the first page of your journal but these are just a way to spark your thinking.  In the years to come, this journal will be a primary source of information from this time in history.  This idea came from thedailycafe.com and this is a quote about using a journal: “During this challenging time in all of our lives, daily writing—by students and adults—can provide respite and a safe, creative, and emotional outlet. Through writing and/or illustrating stories, poems, journal entries, comics, graphic texts, or whatever form or genre the imagination conjures up, we can add meaning and documentation to our present and future lives.”

  3.  Weekly Writing Task Spend 15-20 minutes/day working on the assigned writing task so that you have a finished good copy by the end of the week (remember to spend some time revising and editing your work).  This week you will write a friendly letter (you can write to me or anyone else).  Click on the attached document to find a letter that I wrote to you as well as an outline that shows the format of a friendly letter.


    Not included in the 1 hourIn addition to the above tasks, students are encouraged to


  • read for 30 minutes each day – You can read a book of your choice.  There are also many online options such as downloading ebooks from the public library.  I will not overwhelm you with suggestions (please contact me if you need help finding things to read) but can not resist to share this site from Scholastic.  You can read from the “TrueFlix” site (I had to use Chrome)  https://sdm-tfx.digital.scholastic.com/?authCtx=U.794217314 Each topic has a video, short book (that you can read or have it read to you), there are weblinks for more information on the topic, a project idea, and even a quiz (show what you know).

  • physical activity for 30 minutes -  see the documents tab for physical activity ideas for the month from Mr. Watters J

  • Social Emotional Learning – Don’t forget to look after your emotional well-being!  See the documents tab for suggested activities each day for the month of April (if interested).


Sorry for the length of this initial post!