Technology Survey/Dreambox Update

Posted: April 16, 2020

Hello Grade 4/5 students and parents,

The District/Province is looking to ensure that all students are able to access the resources that I am providing to complete "Home Learning Opportunties." As a result, I have been asked to survey each family. If the answer is "no" to either of the following questions, please email me at Thanks so much!

1) Does your child have access to "high speed internet?"

2) Does your child have access to a device (tablet, computer, laptop, etc.)  to complete the learning opportunity suggestions?

Dreambox Update:

Instead of minutes logged on to Dreambox each day, I would like students to focus on the number of activities that they have completed.  Each student is asked to complete 2 activities each day (please ensure that when an activity is started that you finish the activity).  Doing activities on a daily basis is better than only logging on once a week and completing 10 activities (which would take well over an hour).  The average time to complete 2 activities should be between 14-20 min.

Mrs. Carroll