Update April 24 - 28

Posted: April 28, 2023


We started a unit on decimals and worked on the following outcomes:

  • relate fractions to decimals
  • write the decimal for a given concrete or picturial representation
  • represent a given decimal using concrete materials or pictorial representation
  • explain the meaning of each digit in a given decimal with all digits the same
  • show how a given tenth can be expressed as hundredths (equivalent decimals)


We continue to work on the unit 'Mes vêtements'.  We discussed the different types of clothing worn based on the weather and season.  We are reading and writing about these topics.

Each week we add a sound to our sound wall (mur de sons) and explore words/spelling for that sound.  Students are also practicing to add more detail to a simple sentence.


Wednesday - There was a presentation from Natural Resources in the afternoon.

Friday - The grade four students went on a tour of the Miramichi Airport and participated in actvities at the Aviation Museum