Update May 8 - 12

Posted: May 14, 2023

Math - As our unit on decimals continues, the focus this week was adding and subtracting decimals.

French - This week we discussed the clothing that we would wear depending on the occasion or the place we were going.  Students learned new vocabulary for types of clothing not worn as often.

We started a reading activity where students have a different task Mon - Thurs related to the book they are reading.  Monday, they read the book and record the date and title of the book.  Tuesday, they read the book aloud and choose a word from the book and write a sentence of their own using the word.  Wednesday, after reading the book, we correct the sentences they wrote and students make their corrections and then find rhyming words in their book.  Thursday, they draw a picture of their favourite part of the book and write a sentence to describe their picture.   After the first few weeks practicing this routine together, the students were given leveled French books this week and will challenge themselves to improve their French reading.

Energy Cubes Challenge - Students will participate in the Energy Cubes Challenge from May 1 - 22.  A booklet went home for students to track their activity by coloring one cube for every 15 minutes of continuous physical activity (if you move with a member of your immediate family, you earn 1 extra cube for each person moving with you)  Enjoy being physically active this month