Posted: April 28, 2020
Our word of the day is w i l l. Use it for STOP! DROP! and WRITE!
Get a paper and pencil ready… set the timer for every 20-30 minutes when it goes off, STOP what you are doing and write the word for 2 minutes! GO!!
Activities for Today
Visit J
Read aloud: Listen to Scaredy Squirrel (use the link) there are lots of scaredy squirrel books you can listen to!
Check out our class group on Epic (check your email) read a book from your “good fit” choices.
You can go to username: nblib password: nbschools for lots of book choices!
Language Arts: draw and write a story about what you will try today or work on your story from yesterday.
Math- continue working on Dreambox J aim for 5 activities per week. Make sure to finish each that you begin1 I can see how you are doing!
Phys. ED and Social/Emotional- Choose activities from the activities posted.
Musicplayonline link is provided on this page. Have fun with some Spring songs.