Posted: April 29, 2020
Activities for Today
Visit J
Read aloud: Listen to Kate Who Tamed the Wind (use the link) There are some discussion questions included.
Check out our class group on Epic (check your email) read a book from your “good fit” choices.
You can go to username: nblib password: nbschools for lots of book choices!
Language Arts: It is another windy day… do you like the wind? Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is not. Think of some good and not good things about windy days…
Math- In “The Wind Blew” count how many items blew into the wind! 1. How many different ways can you show that number? 2. How many partners can you make to show it? (___ and ___ ; ___ and __ )
*continue working on Dreambox J aim for 5 activities per week. Make sure to finish each that you begin1 I can see how you are doing!
Phys. ED and Social/Emotional- Choose activities from the activities posted. Get out and play but also take some time to be still.
Musicplayonline link is provided on this page. Have fun with some Spring songs.