Posted: May 11, 2020

Daily Routine:

Good day, good day, good day to you

Good day, good day, and how do you do?

The sun is/not shining, and the day is new

Good day, good day, and how do you do?

How do you do boys and girls.

Do you remember the days of the week song and the Months of the year? 

Now go to and make a calendar. (open for Kindergarten. click on the calendar or look at a calendar at home)


Morning News

HELLO Cohen, Connor, Jaykob, Katie, Mia, Parker, and William!

Welcome to the first day of the school week!

Today   is  magic  Monday, May 11, 2020.

I hope that you had a  good  weekend.  Did  mom  have  a magical 

Mother’s  Day?

The  word  of   the  day  is  hello.

Did  you  make  someone  happy  this  weekend?

Did  you  go  out  and  make  anything  in the snow?  Did  you  make  a  3D  shapes  model  for  math?

It  is  a  ____________ day  out  today. What  will  you  do?

Thank you for the great picture you sent to me Cohen.  Did you get any fish?

Be  the  best  you  can  be!  

Love, Mrs. Craig


(find some word wall words and the Mm words in the morning letter!)


Our word of the day is  hello.  Use  it  for STOP!  DROP! and  WRITE! 

h plop! Boing!  / e- vroom! snore! / l- plop! / l- plop!  O- whoosh (Begin up top and blow your pencil to the left!)

Get a paper and pencil ready… set the timer for every 20-30 minutes when it goes off, STOP what you are doing and write the word for 2 minutes!  GO!!


Activities for Today

Read aloud:  - Can you retell the story with a beginning-middle- and end.  What was the problem? Did it get solved? How?

Check out our class group on Epic (check your email) read a book from your “good fit” choices. I will assign some new books today, have a look/have a read.  You have read over 50 books all together! WOW

You can go to username: nblib password: nbschools for lots of book choices!

Writing- What did you do this weekend? Tell me your story. Use the helper sheets you got in your bag!   Say your story out loud and count the words.



Math- I have attached some ideas for math games to reinforce number sense

*Continue to work on your 3D model.  Are you able to name the shapes and solids you used?  If you have finished, send a picture or maybe a video of you telling me about it and what shapes and solids you used -to my email, I would love to see you.

*continue working on Dreambox J aim for 5 activities per week. Make sure to finish each that you begin… You are doing some good work! Just try your best.

*** try counting back from --10-2… 9-2… 8-2… 7-2… 6-2.  GOOD!


Phys. ED and Social/Emotional- Choose activities from the activities posted. Get out and play but also take some time to be still.

Learn to relax when things get wonky:

Cosmic Kids Yoga 


Musicplayonline link is provided on this page.  Have fun with some Mother’s day songs!