Home Learning April 20-24 th

Posted: April 20, 2020

Language Arts

Read –Read- READ!

Our word of the day is   make .  Use  it for STOP! DROP! and WRITE! 

Get a paper and pencil ready… set the timer for every 20-30 minutes when it goes off, STOP what you are doing and write for 2 minutes!  GO!!

Writing: Think, talk, draw, and write.

Can you make a list of words that sound like or rhyme with “make”? How many?

Add details to your Easter story,(If you have no space…make a page 2!)


Make a story about your weekend.  Can you see mine?


**Each day, choose an activity (or more) from WEEK 2 on the learning mat posted in the “documents” section.

Math: Continue to work toward 5 activities each week. Please complete any activities that you start. Just try your best.

*** try counting from 10- 1… 9-1, 8-1, 7-1, 6-1.  GOOD


Today would be You and Your World Day- Choose a book and lesson from wedolisten.org or listen and do a yoga story.

Wednesday is Earth Day!  There are lots of stories on youtube about Earth day, take time to listen and think about our wonderful world.