Posted: April 7, 2020
Daily Routine:
Good day, good day, good day to you
Good day good day and how do you do?
The sun is shining, and the day is new
Good day, good day, and how do you do?
How do you do boys and girls.
Do you remember the days of the week song and the Months of the year?
Now go to and make a calendar. (open for Kindergarten. click on the calendar or look at a calendar at home)
Morning Letter
Dear boys and girls,
Good morning. Welcome back. Did you have a good sleep?
Today is terrific Tuesday, April 7, 2020. You are the helper of the day, again!
It is a ____ day outside today. What will you do? I will go for a walk today. I will play outside with Troy.
The word of the day is when. (say it, spell it, use it in a sentence)
Tell someone they are terrific when they ________ .
Have a good day! Love, Mrs. Craig