Morning letter May 5, 2020

Posted: May 5, 2020

Morning Letter

Dear boys and girls,

Good  day!   Today  is  terrific Tuesday, May 5, 2020.

It was terrific to see some kids in our class yesterday.

The helper for the day is YOU!   

Wow! It  is  a  _____ and _____ day out side. (what words would you write?).

It is a good day to cuddle up and read some good books!

“Thank you” William for the terrific writing and the picture in the card .

“Thank you” Jaykob for your good word writing! It is terrific

The   word  of  the  day  is  want.  I want the snow to stop! I want it to be a sunny, warm day!  What do you want to do today?

Be  the  best  you  can  be!  

Have  a  Terrific day!

Love, Mrs. Craig


(find some word wall words and all the Tt’s in the morning letter!)


Our word of the day is  w a n t .  Use  it  for STOP!  DROP! and  WRITE! 

Get a paper and pencil ready… set the timer for every 20-30 minutes when it goes off, STOP what you are doing and write the word for 2 minutes!  GO!!