Posted: May 8, 2020
Morning News
Good day,
This is our class news for Friday, May 8, 2020
Today is fun Friday. Do something fun with your family.
Mrs. Hondas has a birthday today. You can give her a message by email!
Katie made cupcakes yesterday.
Mia was playing a game.
Cohen went fishing yesterday.
Connor got 8 stickers on his chart.
Jaykob went out to play.
William read all of his books on Epic.
Parker was not at home.
Mother’s day is this Sunday. Happy Mother’s Day! to all Napan Moms! You are her helper this weekend.
Now for the weather… It is a ____________ day out today but we will have a winter storm this weekend!
Be the best you can be!
Love, Mrs. Craig
(find some word wall words and the th words in the morning letter!)
Our word of the day is this. Use it for STOP! DROP! and WRITE!
t- plop! Vroom! / h- plop! Boing! / i- plop! tick! / s- snore! shlang!
Get a paper and pencil ready… set the timer for every 20-30 minutes when it goes off, STOP what you are doing and write the word for 2 minutes! GO!!