a peek at our week!

Posted: March 22, 2015

A PEEK AT OUR WEEK! March 23-27  March is NUTRITION MONTH! Be a healthy eater and eat a rainbow every day! March 23- Monday- Welcome Back! Friday was our first “official” day of SPRING!! Shhh our bears are still sleeping.                                 Art today                  March 24 - Tuesday– Hot Lunch day-                                       -Music Class with Mrs. Craig                                  - Report Cards go home today= read all documents, sign and return the envelope please.            March 25- Wednesday- You and Your World (Mrs. Dickson)   March 26- Thursday– * Guidance with Mrs. Sturgeon                         Poetry Anthology goes home   March 27 - Friday –* No Classes * Parent Teacher interviews in the morning        What we’re up to:  Zoo Phonics! While meeting all the animals, they’ve been teaching us to read. Students are learning to listen for and record sounds in words as well as working with Partners (consonant blends), “e” helper at the end of words, and chunking. We are working on “nonsense words”, ow and ou sound = band aid words. Value Lessons- continue to stick to our value lessons from all letters to be great citizens!     Language Arts- Daily 5 and Writing  With the interruptions, we are going back to practice our Daily 5 work. Read to Self, and Read to Someone, WORD Work : we have learned some great strategies on how to be better readers! Strategies and notes on each will be sent home throughout the week so you know what students are practicing.                 Writing recipe- We are building on the writine recipe. We will create a rubric together and post it soon. WE ARE WRITERS! Math-        Number Sense: students learn more about numbers and how they relate to one another- more/fewer, numbers before/after others, count by touch, identify number placement on a number line etc. 5 and 10 frames.         Our Math Unit- Exploring Numbers- Outcomes to Master… N1-Say the number sequence by 1’s starting anywhere from 1-10 N2-Recognize at a glance and name familiar arrangements of 1-5 objects or dots N3- Relate a numeral to its respective quantity N4-Represent and describe numbers 2-10 concretely and pictorially N5-Compare quantities, 1-10, using 1 to 1 correspondence. (More, less, difference between)