Posted: May 4, 2015
May 4th-May 8th
Welcome to a new Month-
Will our sleeping bears wake up this week?? The boys and girls
certainly hope so!
May 4 - Monday- Welcome Back!
Read to an adult each night. Talk about the
pictures, your predictions…were you right? (cross checking- does it look right?
Sound right? Make sense?) If you answer no to any… fix it up!
each day:
we will do a read aloud, word ring review, sight word walk, word
play, read a new book, white board writing. A great morning of learning!
May 5- Tuesday– Hot Lunch day- Subs- mmmmm
- MUSIC today
May 6- Wednesday- You and Your World (Mrs.
May 7- Thursday– Guidance with Mrs. Sturgeon
May 8th – Friday – Pizza Day (please have money sealed and labelled)
What we’re up to: Kinderclub- each day:
we will do a read
aloud, word ring review, sight word walk, word play, read a new book, white
board writing. A great morning of learning!
We are working on “nonsense words” to practice
sounding out words. Here are some examples:
b a p, g i b, t
i b, b a v, m i b
Daily 5 and Writing
Daily 5 work. Read to Self, and Read to Someone, WORD Work : we have learned some great strategies
on how to be better readers! Strategies and notes on each will be sent home
throughout the week so you know what students are practicing.
Writing recipe- We are building on the writing
recipe. We will create a rubric together and post it soon. WE ARE WRITERS!
Math- Number Sense:
students learn more about numbers and how they relate to one another-
more/fewer, numbers before/after others, count by touch, identify number
placement on a number line etc. 5
and 10 frames.
Our Math Unit- Exploring Geometry and Measurement
Outcomes to Master…
K.1 Use direct or indirect measurement to solve problems.
K.1.1 Use direct comparison to compare two objects based on
a single attribute, such as length (height), mass (weight) and volume
Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the
relationships among them.
K.2.2 Sort 2-D and 3-D objects using a
single attribute.
K.2.3 Build and describe 3-D objects
the curriculum ideas and suggestions at the gnb web site.