Posted: January 28, 2013

ZOO    Letters of the Week- T t  and  U u Students will meet Timothy Tiger  and Umber Umbrella Bird!  We will focus on the letters, sounds and words associated through various activities.   Value Lessons: T t- We  are  terrific and Talented Kids! Read every night and practice your sight words. *Math Outcome- Comparing groups with more or fewer without counting objects, Comparing quantities from 1 – 5, counting forward and back and on from specific numbers.     Here’s  What’s  Up! Monday –  Library day.  Provided all books are returned, children may sign out a book for the week, to be returned by Friday please.   Practice your January Word list.  Tuesday – HOT lunch day Wednesday We will go Skating this week!  Have skates sharpened, and water bottles ready.  We appreciate your continued help in the dressing rooms and following the guidelines to ensure good experiences for all!       Thursday Poetry anthologies go home (usually J).  Please check for a new poem/activity and feel free to go back and review as it is great practice for reading skills and  letter and sight word recognition Friday- PIZZA DAY!! To avoid confusion or lost money,   please ensure that money is in a container (or baggie) with child’s name and number of pieces, and that it (and any notes or money) is placed in the yellow home folder.  Thank you.   Jersey Day- in the spirit of the Miramichi Pond Hockey Tournament this coming weekend, students are encouraged to wear Hockey Jerseys to school.      Here Come the  Copelands!   Things are moving along with our Tappin’ into Napan production. The students are really engaged in the various activities included each week Ground Hog Day is around the corner (Feb. 2nd)!  Will the groundhog see his shadow?  We will do various activities related to light and shadows.  Be listening for the results from  Shubenacadie Sam in Nova Scotia.