Posted: December 12, 2011

          December 12-16th VALUE LESSON- We are loveable children who love to laugh!  Zoo Phonics-  Letters of the week Pp and Qq                       - meet Pee Wee Penguin and Queenie Quail  ABC BOOM- reviewing strokes  and adding Pinwheel (whoooosh)  New Words-  List number we/ are  -  Please review other lists MATH- N1- know the number sequence from 1-10/10-1                         Beginning at any number ex. 4,5,6… 10  ;   8,9,10   or   5,4,3…1 ;   8,7,6…1 -        -Continuing our unit Exploring Numbers 1-5 dividing a "total" into its "parts" MONDAY  - WE ARE AT DAY # 65.  TUESDAY - Hot Lunch Day                 Pack your skating bag! WEDNESDAY – Skating Day, be prepared need a helmet and ski pants! Parents are asked to watch children from the designated area.  You may provide bottled water only (no colored drinks) and children cannot have drinks on the ice surface.  Please enter the using the   door by the team benches and NOT the one close to the rink entrance.  This is a school activity and an extension of our PHYS. ED, program so students are to  try build their endurance we ask that tye not leave until skating is over.  If they need to rest, there is a designated area.  thank you for their cooperation.   THURSDAY – Christmas Dinner for staff and students at the Napan Hall poetry anthology goes home complete the activity FRIDAY – Pizza Day!!     HOMEWORK-Read and Record nightly               Complete the activity sheets for math and L.A.               Poetry Anthology –read to an adult and complete the                            Related activity You can keep the homework book home for the week and return it Friday. Any donations to the food drive can be brought to Mrs. Craig's room.