A peek at the Week!

Posted: February 24, 2014

  Olympics Week at Napan Elementary                   Feb. 24-28     Here’s  What’s  Up! Monday – Feb. 24 Students will be divided into their teams   Tuesday – Feb 25 Wear a color that is on your country’s flag-  Germany, Sweden, Russia, Italy, HOT lunch day - Toquitoes   Wednesday- Feb. 26 Say “NO!” to bullying by wearing a pink shirt- Skating day with some special guests!   Thursday Feb. 27 Crazy Hair and Hat Day!  Please keep in mind children need to have hats on for outdoor activities. Thank you Napan Olympics!! Students will participate in some friendly competition. These will be outdoor activities so children need to be dressed appropriately. Poetry anthologies go home (usually J).  Please check for a new poem/activity and feel free to go back and review for great practice of reading skills and letter and sight word recognition   Friday-  Feb. 28 Napan Idol- Important! Children must bring their own music.  Let us know by Thursday their choice of talent and song. Begin practicing at home!    PIZZA DAY!! To avoid confusion or lost money,   please ensure that money is in a container (or baggie) with child’s name and number of pieces, and that it (and any notes or money) is placed in the yellow home folder.  Thank you.