Posted: April 16, 2020
Hello Parents!
I was glad to have made contact with most of you once again and it seems as though we are all surviving these new times as best we can. That being said, PLEASE take the home learning in moderation. It is not meant to overwhelm or add undue stress on us. Schedule your child's learning as it suits you, them and the household. This is a learning curve for all involved so the activities are suggestions and encouraged. Bottom line... PLEASE reach out if you have any questions to my email. If the Kids want to send a little note or examples of their work, I would be happy to receive them! It was bucketfilling to hear a few read their Easter stories over the phone.
Technology Survey:
Our overhead would like to know WHO has access to HIGH SPEED internet and if all students have a learning device from which they can access the activities being sent forward. Please send responses to my email Have a wonderful day