Posted: April 20, 2020
Monday, April 20th
Good Morning Parents,
Hope everyone enjoyed our sunny weekend. Once again, the tasks that I am providing for your children are not intended to create additional stress in an already stressful time. They are suggestions so that students can continue to have some practice in the areas of reading, writing and math. Do what you can, when you can! My email address again is Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!
Happy Monday Grade One Children!
I hope you all had a fun weekend.
It looks like it is going to be another sunny day.
Will you go out to play? I will go for a walk.
Have a great day with your families!
Love, Mrs. Sobey
Read Aloud
Follow this link:
Scroll Down the page to “Day 3” and Click on “Take Me There”.
Watch “Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin!” story. Then, click on “Explore the Web” on the left hand side of the page. Choose “LearnEnglish Kids/Topics: Music”. Play “Musical Instruments 1.” Then share with someone what your favourite musical instrument is. (I bought some new instruments for us to enjoy during Music class yesterday!)
Follow this link:
Scroll Down the page to “Day 3” and choose “Draw and Write Activity: Listening Ears.” Close your eyes and just listen for a few seconds. Then draw a picture and write about 4 different sounds you hear.
What does Mrs. Sobey hear? Right now, I can hear the fan going in the bathroom, the the washer machine spinning, Chase calling out to his sister and a creak in the ceiling.
* Remember we need to use capital letters only at the beginning of our sentences, for the word "I" and for names of people and places. As well, we need to put in some stop marks to show where our sentences end. I’d loved to hear about the sounds you hear at our house. How about you send me a picture of your writing?
Follow this link:
Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email.
*It has been brought to our attention that the preferred browser to use while completing tasks on Dreambox is Google Chrome. That might help reduce and possible eliminate the lagging or glitches that some students have been experiencing while completing lessons.
Your goal is to complete at least 5 lessons this week. That is only 1 lesson each day boys and girls. Also, if you begin a lesson please play the whole game.
In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete a task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.