Monday, April 27th!

Posted: April 27, 2020

Dear Mom and Dad,

We are now entering our fourth week of “Home Learning.” I want to thank you all for the help that you have been giving your children to complete the activities that I have been providing.  Once again, these activities are not intended to cause additional stress for your families. I just ask that the students, “do what they can, when they can.”  Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns that you like to discuss with me. My email address is   Have a good week! Mrs. Sobey


Good Morning Children,

Today is Monday, April 27, 2020.

It is cloudy this morning. I wonder if it is going to rain.

I hope you all enjoyed our sunny weekend.

Did any of you go for ice cream?

I am missing you a lot.

Love, Mrs. Sobey


Language Arts

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Scroll Down the page to “Day 4” and Click on “Take Me There”.

Watch “Giggle, Giggle, Quack” story.  Then, complete the “Which Came First” activity from the links on the left hand side of the page.



Follow this link:

Scroll Down the page to “Day 4” and choose “Draw and Write Activity: Create Your Own Community.”  You decide which community you want to create, a rural community (a country community) or an urban community (a town/city community). Today students could work on drawing the community and naming it. On Wednesday, they could work on labeling the stores/places/objects in their communities. Students should spend about 20 minutes working on this activity for today.  



Follow this link:

Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email.

Your goal for this week is to complete 10 lessons. If you complete at least 2 each day you will reach the goal at the end of the week. Remember if you begin a game, please finish it.    


*New Math Activity*

Beginning today, students will be given a weekly Math Word Problem. These problems will have them practice a variety of math concepts. I would encourage them to draw a picture to help them solve. I will post my work showing the solution on the following Monday morning. I would love to see the student’s work as well. That can be emailed to me at


Problem of the Week:

       I spy with my little eye 16 dog legs. How many dogs do I see?



In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete a task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  


Once again, I am providing you with the link to Wilbooks site. If you not checked it out, it has a variety of levelled texts children can access for their independent reading time.