Posted: April 8, 2020
Dear Children,
Today is Wednesday, April 8, 2020.
Did any of you see the big moon last night? It was huge!
It looks like it is going to be a sunny day. A great day to get out and play for a bit.
I am missing you a whole, whole bunch. Keep smiling and having fun with your families.
I will talk to you all again tomorrow. Have a good day! Love, Mrs. Sobey
Here are you home learning suggestions for today...
Read Aloud
Follow this link:
Scroll Down the page to “Day 1 ” and Click on “A Spiderling Grows Up”.
Watch “A Spiderling Grows Up” story.
After read aloud, please complete the “Fact or Fiction” and “Word Match” activities from the links on the left hand side of the page.
Follow this link:
Continue to work on your “Spider Activity” that you began on Monday. If you did not complete on Monday, take today to finish the story and picture. If you have finished, add another detail. Then go back and be the “CAPS” detective and see if any capital letters have popped up in the middle of your sentences.
Follow this link:
Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email.
Work on assigned activities for at least 20 minutes.
In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete a task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.