
Posted: May 17, 2012

Students will be skipping on Wed 23rd and 30th at Nelson Rural School Gym from 4 pm - 5pm.  This is an after school activity supervised by Colleen Barry and if parents wish to let their children attend, parents will be respnsible for transporting children to and from this activity.

Posted: May 15, 2012

Already raised     $719.28    and counting.....towards the rock climbing wall Thanks to all for contributing!

Posted: May 8, 2012

Camp Sheldrake is having an open house on June 2/12 - 1pm - 3pm. There will be tours, games, climbing wall, a ropes course, and a BBQ (by donation). Please come join us for a fun afternoon!

Posted: May 8, 2012

Napan Home and School along with the PSSC presented flowers and a gift card to outgoing DEC Member Bev Hubbard.  Thank you Bev for all your hard work over the last eight years.

Posted: May 3, 2012

Posted: April 19, 2012

Volunteer Tea "An Appreciation Tea" was held at noon on Thursday to show  gratitude to the many volunteers who serve the students and staff of Napan Elementary. Sandwiches, sweets, coffee and tea were served by the staff.  Each volunteer was presented with a rose, an appreciation verse and personal messages written by the Grade 3 students.  A Pleasant social hour was enjoyed by all!

Posted: April 18, 2012

The Miramichi Kinsmen and School District 16 are pleased to accept film entries for the second annual Kin Film Festival.  All School District 16 students are invited to participate.  Films can be submitted in one of two categories: Open and The Kinsmen Category (The Communities Greatest Need).  The top 10 films in each category will be screened on May 12th, 2012 at Miramichi Empire Studio 5.  Cash prizes of $500, $250 and $100 will be awarded for the winners in each category.


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