April 14th - 17th

Posted: April 13, 2020

April 14 – 17

Grade 4/5 students:

Here is your schedule for the week

  1. Math – Login to Dreambox and spend 20-30 min working on tasks and assignments (an activity is assigned by me if there is a calendar icon in the corner of the activity) The website specific to our school is: https://play.dreambox.com/login/knjs/6a9h

  2. Writing Journal Spend 15-20 minutes each day writing a journal entry. 

  3. Weekly Writing Task April is Poetry Month!  Spend 15-20 minutes each day working on one of the forms of poetry (write your own poems).  I have included a description of each type of poem and examples in the attached word document (Haiku, Cinquain, Limerick, and Acrostic poems – plus a bonus if you want extra!).  You might like the website https://www.poetry4kids.com/ Play poetry games, click on Poetry lessons to learn more about each form of poetry or use the rhyming dictionary.  Have fun writing poems!


    Not included in the 1 hourIn addition to the above tasks, students are encouraged to

  • read for 30 minutes each day – You can read a book of your choice. 

  • physical activity for 30 minutes -  see the documents tab for physical activity ideas for the month from Mr. Watters J

  • Social Emotional Learning – Don’t forget to look after your emotional well-being!  See the documents tab for suggested activities each day for the month of April (if interested).