May 19 - 22

Posted: May 18, 2020

Grade 4/5 students:

Great job on your ‘Home Learning’ students!  I am very proud of your efforts and thank you to those who have sent me their informational writing to my email (  I enjoyed reading them and gave students some feedback.  Here is your schedule for the week:

  1. MathLogin to Dreambox and complete a minimum of two activities each day (8 activities for the week).  Remember that the activities with a calendar icon are ones that I have assigned.

    Last week, 8 out of 11 students completed all 10 activities.

  2. Writing JournalSpend 15-20 minutes each day writing a journal entry.

  3. Weekly Writing Task - Spend 15-20 minutes working on the assigned writing tasks so that you have finished good copies by the end of the week (remember to spend some time revising and editing your work).  Email to

    Since this is a short week, I thought we would do another reading response.  Use the book (fiction/novel) that you are reading to complete two reading response activities below.

    Reading Response Choice Board: Using the book that you are reading, choose two of the options on the choice board to respond to.


  I am attaching the District’s weekly STEAM newsletter for those who are interested in doing additional activities.

  • Reminder that students should spend 30 minutes each day reading and doing physical activity.  The calendar for May is also posted for Social Emotional Learning.