Wednesday October 16, 2024

Posted: October 16, 2024

Oct 16

Daily Update:
We began our day by watching the morning announcements while sitting on the mat. Our spelling word for the day was "utensils." The "Show, Not Tell" phrase was “She was a messy eater.” Afterward, we completed our Heggerty listening exercises, followed by a quick doodle session where we drew leaf characters at a rapid pace. We reviewed yesterday’s writing and had Mrs. Mutch work with some of our Grade 3s while we rotated through our literacy centers. Our writing prompt today was “If I could have any superpower, it would be…” and we reviewed the "ss, ll, ff, zz" spelling patterns along with introducing "-all, -oll, and -ull" endings.

The Grade 1s and 2s worked on their iPads, engaging with various SmartBoard lessons. The game show activity seemed to be the highlight for many. Meanwhile, the Grade 3s practiced arranging 3-digit numbers in both ascending and descending order.

After Lunch:
We had a special visitor for music today—Mr. Whalen. He brought in some of his recording equipment, and we started recording parts of our class song. Everyone sang so well, both individually and in groups, and I was really proud of how brave they were! I can’t wait to hear the final version once all the recordings are done.

For PE, we played soccer baseball outside. It’s still chilly during the mornings, lunch, and PE time, so make sure you’re bringing warm layers!

Day End:
At the end of the day, we contributed to our Book of Gratitude with the prompt, “I felt happy when I got to…” Then, we signed our Home to School books, recorded some parts of tomorrow’s morning announcements, and had a few minutes of responsible choice time before packing up for home.

Picture of the Day:
Mr. Whalen working with a student to help them perfect their timing while singing our class-written song!