Posted: January 27, 2025
Daily Update:
Another frigid morning, so we started inside, hoping it might warm up for recess! Our spelling word was “coordination,” and the Show, Not Tell prompt was “She was artistic.” We finished our Heggerty Listening games, followed by a reading maze. Our UFLI lesson involved working on syllables together on the SmartBoard with markers and paddles. We did a brief Work on Writing with the prompt “Over the weekend I…,” plus a Read to Self session before sharing our writing pieces.
After Recess:
The Grade 1s & 2s continued practicing skip counting by 2s, reviewing even/odd numbers (which ties in well with counting by 2s). We also revisited vocabulary from last week, like “sample” and “estimate.” Mr. Ross was out this morning, but the Grade 3s focused on mental math to make 10 and add with 10, then played a partner game racing to 100 by rolling dice and adding the totals.
After Lunch:
We worked on attaching our photos to our hot air balloons. Energy levels were high, and by the time everything was set up and cleaned up, we were running a bit late for PE.
Mr. Ross returned this afternoon, and we played soccer baseball. There was one collision, but we carried on and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves!
End of Day:
We tried settling back into our routine. Our Book of Gratitude prompt, “I am thankful for my classmates because…” proved challenging for a few students. Napan is such a fantastic place because of its people—especially our classmates. Yes, we can irritate one another, but it’s essential to appreciate each other. After checking our morning work and updating our Home to School books, some of us had free choice time. Then we packed up for the day and went home.
Picture of the Day:
We truly have amazing classmates, always ready to lend a helping hand!