Thursday January 30, 2025

Posted: January 30, 2025

Jan 30

Daily Update:
Another freezing start to the day meant we stayed inside for the morning. When will the warmer weather return? Our spelling word was “development.”
Today's Show, Not Tell was “He was bored.” Hopefully, that wasn’t the case for our school day!
We completed our Heggarty Listening games and then got ready to head to the LBA for skating. A huge thank you to all the adult volunteers who helped with tying skates—this wouldn't be possible without you!

After Recess:
Since skating took up part of our morning, we had a shorter math class today. The Grade 1s and 2s played a “What’s My Number?” scavenger hunt with hidden math cards around the classroom. I thought I made it tricky, but the girls said it was too easy—so tonight, I’ll be staying late to find even harder hiding spots for tomorrow! The Grade 3s worked on estimating solutions for story problems involving the sum of two 2-digit numbers.

After Lunch:
We had an important discussion about free choice time during recess and lunch. What does it mean to make poor choices? Typically, it means doing things that are not safe or kind. We talked about our tablet use and brainstormed rules to ensure we are responsible and safe when using them. We also introduced refocus forms—when we make mistakes, taking responsibility helps us learn and grow so we don’t repeat them.

We started with some basketball drills as a warm-up, inspired by last night’s basketball jamboree, and wrapped up the class with a fun game of soccer baseball.

End of Day:
Back in the classroom, we got right to work on our Book of Gratitude with the prompt: “My favorite memory from today…” We checked over our morning work, signed our Home to School books, and explored a drawing app called Freeform on the iPads. Learning responsible tablet use is an ongoing process, and today was a great step forward!

Picture of the Day:
Math “What’s My Number?” scavenger hunt with base ten blocks (There's an easy one to find in the upper left of the picture)!