Posted: February 24, 2025
Daily Update:
Although the sun was shining, it was still a chilly morning, so we started our day inside. I wouldn't want any of our classroom snowmen to freeze out there! This week is School Spirit Week at Napan, and today’s theme was “Dress Like a Snowman.” We had a great example right in our classroom! Tomorrow’s theme is crazy hat/hair day—I think I’ll keep it simple with a hat.
Our spelling word of the day was “vacation.” Today's "Show, Not Tell" sentence was: “He dressed like a snowman.” Luckily, one of our students gave us a perfect live demonstration! We completed our Heggerty listening games and worked through a reading maze. In UFLI, we focused on our lesson and then jumped into our writing prompt: "How to Go Sliding." After some quick buddy reading, we tidied up before snack.
After Indoor Recess:
The Grade 1s and 2s worked on a color-by-equation activity and played a fun French fry fact family game. We also wrapped up with a quick subtraction quiz on the iPads. Meanwhile, the Grade 3s created their own subtraction stories based on given solutions.
After Lunch:
Excitement was high as Mrs. Brown and Mr. Ross took the K-3 students across the road to the giant snow hill! Armed with crazy carpets, they zipped down the hill over and over again. With all that climbing, I wouldn’t be surprised if they head to bed early tonight!
End of Day Routine:
Back inside, we practiced some French before reflecting in our Book of Gratitude, answering the prompt: "I was proud of my effort when I…". We also checked our morning work and filled out our Home to School books. With a few extra minutes, we squeezed in some iPad time before heading to the gym for Spirit Week activities.
Spirit Week Activity:
Mr. Ross led a fun skipping rope game before bringing out a timeless favorite—the parachute! Both staff and students had a blast taking part in the games. What a fantastic way to end the day!
Picture of the Day:
A quick switch of positions before the parachute came down, trapping the runners underneath!