Posted: November 25, 2024
Daily Update:
Our week started off with the usual routine. We enjoyed some fresh air outside before gathering for the video announcements. Our spelling word was “academic,” and our Show, Not Tell was “The chair was uncomfortable.” We completed our Heggerty listening games and worked through our reading maze. Following a quick workout, we practiced our Christmas concert song. If you'd like to practice at home, you can click here to listen. We also worked on active listening skills while sharing stories about our weekends. The morning wrapped up with literacy rotations.
After Recess:
In math, the Grade 1s and 2s focused on using their hundreds charts to skip count by 10s and 1s, a helpful tool when finding sums of numbers. The Grade 3s revisited earlier lessons, creating subtraction word problems for given solutions and practicing personal strategies for solving addition and subtraction equations.
After Lunch:
We headed to the library with Mrs. Comeau, where the entire school gathered to begin planning for our Christmas concert. With just a month until Christmas, we have a lot to prepare, but the excitement is building!
With Mr. Ross home sick, we joined the K-1 class for PE. We played tag and a variety of other games. Mixing the classes for PE is a rare treat, but it was a lot of fun!
End of Day:
We ended the day back with Mrs. Comeau, practicing our song for the Christmas concert. Home to School books were packed with a memo about parent-teacher meetings (attached to this post). Don’t forget to check for it!
Picture of the Day:
Joint PE with the K-1 class today! Rare but always enjoyable!