Posted: January 10, 2025
Daily Update:
We started our day in a typical fashion. Our spelling word was “invisible,” and our Show, Not Tell prompt was “He was silly on the mat.” We continued with the Heggerty listening activities and worked on building our stamina for Read to Self. As a class, we completed part two of our UFLI lesson on VCe words (vowel-consonant-“e”), which makes the vowel sound long. We had a Work on Writing prompt—“This weekend I…”—but we ran out of time before finishing.
After Recess:
The Grade 1 & 2 students took a quick quiz on addition facts (digits 0-9), reviewed sum and difference, and used the SmartBoard to practice. They finished off the lesson working at their tables. The Grade 3s worked on writing numbers in both standard form and place value form. They also did some mental math practice and completed a 50 Club test on facts.
After an Indoor Lunch:
We were slow to leave Lego Club, but eventually made our way upstairs to talk a little about how different animals brave and survive the cold. We found out some interesting things about tree frogs, how turtle breathe and this thing called a tardigrade!
Those who arrived first shouted “YES! FLOOR HOCKEY!” as they entered the gym. It was a Fun Friday class—Mr. Ross was running just as hard as the rest of us. Thankfully, no one here is at all competitive!
End of Day:
After gym, we tackled our Book of Gratitude with the prompt, “The best part of my day was when…” Anyone who finished all their morning work got a bit of free choice time. The others had to wrap up loose ends—after all, you have to pay to play!
Picture of the Day:
Floor hockey on a Friday is always a big hit, and it’s one of the class favorites in PE!