Posted: December 1, 2021
Any parents that wish to have a pnone interview may email or call the school to arrange an appointment time. I hope all is well in your households. <3
Posted: December 1, 2021
Any parents that wish to have a pnone interview may email or call the school to arrange an appointment time. I hope all is well in your households. <3
Posted: November 8, 2021
Remembrance day theme
Letters - Kk and Ll
Words - kids, like, little, love
Numbers - identification, formation, counting skills
Review the choice board, gratitude scavenger hunt, and literacy choice boards
Posted: November 8, 2021
Mrs. Brown will be at the school today from 12-4 in case there are items to be picked up. There will be a couple of activities for Kindergarten to commemorate Remembrance Day learning and reflection. Other read alouds and activities will continue to be posted in the Document portion of my teacher page. Remember... Home is not school, nor is it expected that it would be the same. Do your best to practice Number formation, number sense/ relationships, subitizing, Letters (4-6 each day), sight word practice and some attempts at writing through pictures and some letters they know. Work to your child's attention and interest level, Using Toys as counters and props is a great way to learn through play! Keep the Joy! Mrs. Craig
Posted: October 24, 2021
Letters of the week Gg (Gordo Gorilla) and Hh (Honey Horse)
Words of the week go /here
Note: Hot lunch money is due on Tuesday, Oct. 26th
Wednesday: Class Pumpkin Carving
Friday: Halloween Celebration
Posted: September 16, 2021
Posted: September 15, 2021
We are having a wonderful time getting to know one another and making connections. Things in the classroom are running smoothly and the children are settling into routines nicely. I hope your transition is going well too. Go to the image gallery to see some of our activities~
Posted: January 27, 2021
Hello there!
Here is a peek at our week.
Our letters of the week are: Rr Ss Tt
Our words of theweek are: and like and see saw the
Hot Lunch Orders Due on the January 26th
Wednesday January 27th : Family Literacy Day- Check folders for
fun activities for your family to spend time with each
other and some good books! (but don’t wait until Thursday)
Students have been introduced to and are beginning to dabble in Daily 5 guided reading instruction… stay tuned~
Posted: January 27, 2021
Just a gentle reminder that if and when your child misses school, we still require a written (or typed...Let's get with the times) excuse including the date(s) of missed classes. Please send them in the folder or through my e-mail as they are important for my records. THANKS MUCH!
Posted: January 10, 2021
A Peek at our Week!
Please NOTE:Orange Phase- Our skating is postponed for this week
Exploration: Peacekeeping Skills for Young People - 5 I Care Rules- incorporating the skills during peer and teacher interactions; Winter themed topics and activities.
Language Arts
me, my, Mother, not, new (last week)
high frequency words these are words most encountered in early reading and writing.
Sight words – these are words that students should know by sight… often irregular in spelling
so they free thinking space for working out new words…
Math This Term
NUMBERS-Count forward and back to and from 10 from any number, name the numbers before and after various numbers,
Posted: November 23, 2020
A Peek at our Week!
Exploration: Thematic Unit –Migration and Hibernation
Language Arts
high frequency words these are words most encountered in early reading and writing.
Sight words – these are words that students should know by sight… often irregular in spelling
so they free thinking space for working out new words…
Posted: October 30, 2020