Mr. McCallum Notes

2025 Grade 2 & Grade 3


Posted: December 12, 2024

Dec 12

Daily Update:
What unusual December weather! Yesterday we started by rolling giant snowballs, and today they’ve all melted away thanks to the wind and rain. We stayed indoors at the start and got straight to work once the bell rang. Our spelling word was “enchanted,” and our Show Not Tell prompt was “The neighborhood was ready for Christmas.” After completing our Heggerty exercises, a reading maze, and some warm-up drills, we tackled our literacy rotations. Our writing prompt was “If I could live at the North Pole for one day, I would…” We shared our writing before heading out for recess.

After Recess:
We teamed up with the K-1 class to practice our concert songs. Then, we headed down to the gym to rehearse our ukulele performance. We’re feeling more confident every day! Returning upstairs with about 15 minutes left, we revisited our snowflake-making lesson to create a few more. The classroom will look festive next week!

After Lunch:
The weather cleared up, letting us enjoy a sunny (yet damp) playground. Back inside, we shifted to science. We imagined ourselves stranded on a desert island with some eggs and a hot pan. Which materials would work best as makeshift mitts to pick up the pan without burning ourselves? We’ll test our hypotheses next time!

We played tail snatch, basketball, and had a race in the gym. Rilynn took the title of fastest today—lucky for her I didn’t join the race (and lucky for me, too!).

End of Day:
After gym, we worked on our Book of Gratitude, prompted by “Something that made me laugh today was…” We reviewed our morning work, completed our Home to School books, and some students enjoyed free choice time. Remember, wise time management pays off!

Picture of the Day:
Making snowflakes is serious business—just look at that concentration!

Posted: December 11, 2024

Dec 11

Daily Update:
We started two hours late today due to freezing rain, so when we finally arrived, the snow outside was perfect for rolling giant snowballs. After wearing ourselves out, we headed inside for the day’s work. Following the morning announcements, we went straight to the gym for a Christmas Concert dress rehearsal from about 10:30 to 12:30. We managed props, ukuleles, songs, and coordinated all the music—quite the productive morning!

After Lunch:
We stayed indoors and learned how to make paper snowflakes. Although my initial idea was to use them as gym decorations, most students decided to take them home instead. Who can blame them?

We played another round of Newcomb ball. I stopped in to witness a massive set and spike—it was more intense than I’d imagined! After class, I asked a student how it went, and he confidently replied, “I cooked. I cooked them all so bad!” If nothing else, we’re definitely learning confidence!

End of Day:
Back in the classroom, I told the students how proud I was of them for keeping it together during the two-hour dress rehearsal. Not one adult needed to step in. As a reward, they got to choose between making more snowflakes or using a tablet. They even shared an audio jack to listen to “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” on repeat while creating snowflakes. After packing up our Home to School books, we hopped on the bus and headed home, wrapping up a warm and rainy December day.

Picture of the Day:
Taking a quick break while the adults fine-tuned the schedule during today’s dress rehearsal!

Posted: December 10, 2024

Dec 10

Daily Update:
After watching the video morning announcements, we headed straight to the library to practice our ukulele songs. Only 8 days until our big performance! Back in the classroom, we revisited our irregular spelling word, “Christmas,” and this time most of us nailed it. Our Show Not Tell prompt was “It was hot chocolate,” and we completed our Heggerty listening activities and reading maze. We also rehearsed some of our concert songs before diving into literacy rotations. In our teacher conference station, we focused on consonant digraphs, and our writing prompt was “My favorite holiday tradition is…” We shared our writing pieces, grabbed a quick snack, and went outside for recess.

After Recess:
The Grade 1s and 2s reviewed representing numbers and worked on a color-by-sum activity. Remember, sum relates to addition—so what’s difference about, again? The Grade 3s practiced skip counting and spent time on DreamBox. They also worked on reading numbers without saying “and.” Why do you think we avoid “and” in number names?

After Lunch:
We visited Mrs. Robichaud in the library, where we learned more about ways to stay calm. We colored a sheet with different hues based on our personal preferences—like loud music or quiet time. Some students find just the act of coloring relaxing!

It was Day 2 of Newcomb ball in the gym with Mr. Ross. After the games, we discussed good sportsmanship—being gracious winners and losers. I’ve had plenty of practice getting better at this myself, so we’ll keep working at it together!

End of Day:
We wrapped up the day with our Book of Gratitude, using the prompt, “The best part of my day was when…” Everyone managed their time well and earned some free choice time at the end of the day. Great job, Cubs!

Picture of the Day:
I tried to snap a secret photo from the window, but I was still spotted right away!

Posted: December 9, 2024

Dec 9

Daily Update:
Welcome back after an extra-long weekend, courtesy of a snow day on Thursday and parent-teacher interviews on Friday. After the morning announcements, we settled into our usual routine. Our spelling word was “inflatable,” and our Show Not Tell prompt was “It was a snowy day.” We completed our Heggerty listening drills, navigated a reading maze, squeezed in some exercises, and rehearsed our Christmas songs for the concert. During literacy rotations, our writing prompt was “When my family decorates for Christmas we….”

After Recess:
The Grade 1s and 2s reviewed representing numbers and worked on a color-by-sum activity (do you remember what “sum” means?). Meanwhile, the Grade 3s revisited skip counting, both forwards and backwards, before spending some time on DreamBox.

After Lunch:
We picked up where we left off in The One and Only Ivan. They are still trying to get Ivan in that box.  Ivan wanted to hide and take Bob with him, but he said "no".   Do you remember why?   We attempted to practice our ukulele performance for the Christmas concert, but someone had beaten us to the library! With just seven days left until we perform, we’ll try again tomorrow.

In PE, we discovered Mr. Ross setting up a large net for a game called Newcomb ball. I’m not entirely sure about all the rules yet, but it looked like it was going to be a blast!

End of Day:
We wrapped up the day with our Book of Gratitude, reflecting on “Something that made me smile today was….” Some students had to do a few quick revisions to their morning work before enjoying free choice time. Remember, you’ve got to finish your responsibilities before having fun!

Picture of the Day:
We celebrated a birthday today—checking if the birthday student might have grown taller overnight!

Posted: December 4, 2024

Dec 4

Daily Update:
Our spelling word today was “respectful,” and our Show Not Tell prompt was “They had up Christmas decorations.” We completed our Heggerty listening games and a reading maze, followed by some quick exercises to get moving. Then, we practiced our Christmas songs to get ready for the big concert. During Literacy rotations, our Work on Writing prompt was “If school is cancelled I…” We also reviewed consonant digraphs and practiced word chains during our teacher-led conferences.

After Recess:
The Grade 1 and 2 students reviewed representing numbers, incorporating nickels and dimes to practice counting by 5s and 10s. Do you ever try counting nickels and dimes at home? We also solved some word problems using the terms “sum” and “difference.” The Grade 3 students revisited skip counting both forwards and backwards and got some time on DreamBox to reinforce their learning.

After Lunch:
We read more from The One and Only Ivan. Protestors have arrived, bringing with them a few enormous boxes. Mack doesn’t seem thrilled, but it looks like Ivan’s plan is starting to take effect! Why, then, does everyone feel so sad? We later went down to the library to practice our ukulele performance for the Christmas concert. Only two weeks until the big day—we’re so excited!

After warming up, we played a game of indoor baseball and then tried an obstacle course involving hula hoops. It felt a bit like an “American Ninja Warrior” challenge—too tough for me, but the students had a blast!

End of Day:
After gym, we wrapped up the day with our Book of Gratitude. Today’s writing prompt was, “A problem I solved for myself today was…” Everyone completed their work and reflected on the day before heading home.

Picture of the Day:
Mrs. Brown taking creative input from students during drawing club. What a collaborative effort!

Posted: December 2, 2024

Dec 2

Daily Update:
We arrived at school to snow on the ground for the first time this season! It’s a great reminder to dress warmly for the mornings, as it’s often the coldest part of the day while we’re outside. We kicked off the day with an irregular spelling word—“Christmas.” Irregular means the letters don’t always make their usual sounds. For our Show Not Tell activity, we used “It was about to storm.” We completed our Heggerty listening drills, a reading maze, and some exercises before jumping into our Literacy rotations. Miss Brown was a guest in the classroom today, stepping in while I worked on finishing the November Recap video.

After Recess:
It was so beautiful and bright outside, making it hard to come back in! Once inside, we headed to the gym for our monthly assembly. Awards were given for attendance, and the Cub of the Month was announced. Everyone enjoyed the November Recap video and participated in a fun, school-wide game. With a few minutes to spare before lunch, we played a listening game with Jenga blocks in the classroom.

After Lunch:
We had a quick rehearsal of “Marshmallow Winter” with Mrs. Comeau and the Grade 4/5 class. Back in the classroom, we read from The One and Only Ivan. Ivan is frustrated that his plan hasn’t worked yet, even though Mack is happy about the free publicity from the billboard and increased crowds. Ruby is still at the mall, and Ivan feels his mission isn’t complete.

We had a guest today, Miss Hare! She joined us for a fun game of floor hockey using a gator skin ball. It was great having her, and we hope she visits again soon!

End of Day:
We finished the day by practicing our concert songs with the K-1 class. Everyone is working hard, and I know we’re going to deliver an amazing performance! Back in the classroom, we packed up our Home to School books, which now include a new December Calendar. A reminder: there will be no school this Friday for students, as parent-teacher interviews will be taking place.

Picture of the Day:
Everyone is ready and excited for the November Assembly!

Posted: November 28, 2024

Nov 28

Daily Update:
We started our day by watching the Napan video morning announcements and jumped straight into work. Our spelling word was “development,” and our Show, Not Tell prompt was “It was a big tree.” We completed our Heggerty listening games and tackled a reading maze. After our exercises, we practiced our Christmas song. We didn't sound our best today, but hopefully some December Christmas spirit next week will perk up our performance! We reviewed our literacy rotation expectations, and our work on writing prompt was an open-ended “This weekend…”

After Recess:
The Grade 1s and 2s revisited representing numbers, sums, differences, and identifying coins. We also went over pattern cores like AB, ABB, and ABC, using beads to show our understanding. The Grade 3s focused on extending skip counting sequences by 3s, both forwards and backwards, starting at various multiples of 3.

After Lunch:
We returned to reading from The One and Only Ivan. It's been a while! Something finally clicked with Julia—she took Ivan's pictures to the big ring, assembled them, and solved the puzzle. She even convinced her father to get a ladder and glue them to the billboard. What do you think Mack thought when he saw it the next morning? We had a quick ukulele practice session and then headed back to study clouds. What exactly are clouds, anyway?

We did some basketball drills followed by floor hockey with Mr. Ross, which is always a class favorite!

End of Day:
We wrapped up with our Book of Gratitude, using the prompt, “The most fun activity I did today was…” We completed our Home to School books and reviewed our morning activities and writing work. Everyone managed to finish everything and enjoyed some free choice time before the bell rang! Remember to use your time wisely.

Picture of the Day:
Trying to get everything done at once can be a bit chaotic, but who doesn't love a little chaos!

Posted: November 27, 2024

Nov 27

Daily Update:
We started the day inside due to the wet weather. After singing O’Canada, we watched the morning announcements and got straight to work. Our spelling word was “inconsistent,” and our Show, Not Tell was “The road was busy.” We completed our Heggerty Listening games and worked through our Reading Maze. After some exercises, we practiced one of our Christmas songs. Later, we headed down to the library to practice on the ukuleles and discovered that Paul Robichaud had hung them all up for easy access—what a great idea! Back in the classroom, we continued with our literacy rotations. Our Work on Writing prompt was “If I could go to the North Pole, I would…” During our teacher conference, we focused on word chains with magnetic letters and consonant digraphs. Can you recall what a consonant digraph is?

After Recess:
The Grade 1s and 2s worked on filling in missing numbers between 1 and 30 while reviewing important math vocabulary like “sum” and “difference.” We also practiced identifying coins and used nickels and dimes to do some counting. The Grade 3s revisited skip counting forwards and backwards, and they wrapped up the session with some DreamBox activities on the iPad.

After Lunch:
We returned to the library with Mr. Whalen to show him our progress on the ukuleles and strumming. There’s still work to do, but I’m confident we’ll be ready for our performance soon!

Mr. Ross led us through warm-up basketball drills followed by some flag games. There might have even been a surprise appearance from a scooter or two!

End of Day:
We concluded with our Book of Gratitude, using the prompt, “I’m thankful for my classmates because…” Afterward, we completed our Home to School books and double-checked our morning activities and writing work. Some students managed to fit in free choice time on the iPads, while others worked to finish their tasks before the bell. Remember, time management is key!

Picture of the Day:
A snapshot from our basketball warm-up in PE. Mr. Ross would definitely appreciate that pun!

Posted: November 26, 2024

Nov 26

Daily Update:
After the video announcements, our spelling word was “interested,” and our Show, Not Tell was “The river was calm.” We completed our Heggerty listening games, tackled a reading maze, and did some quick exercises before practicing our Christmas concert song. During literacy rotations, we focused on the “ch” sound and worked on refining our letter mechanics.

After Recess:
In math, the Grade 1s and 2s used their hundreds charts—Grade 1s focused on identifying missing numbers, while Grade 2s practiced starting at one number and adding a two-digit number. Grade 3s worked on skip counting forwards and backwards by 5s, 10s, 25s, and 100s. They also spent some time on DreamBox to reinforce their skills.

After Lunch:
We joined Mrs. Robichaud in the library, where students learned about recognizing dangerous situations and how to respond to them safely. They discussed making decisions that help keep them and others safe.

Mr. Ross introduced indoor baseball, a fantastic game for learning rules and teamwork. Baseball has so many little details to master, but everyone caught on quickly!

End of Day:
To end the day, we worked on our Book of Gratitude with the prompt, “Something nice someone said to me today was...” Afterward, students had some responsible and free choice time. Home to School books were packed with report cards. Parent-teacher interviews will be held Thursday evening and Friday morning from 9-11. A copy of the request form is attached to this post.

Picture of the Day:
This shot captures a fantastic run being batted in—it’s easy to imagine the excitement from this moment!

Posted: November 25, 2024

Nov 25

Daily Update:
Our week started off with the usual routine. We enjoyed some fresh air outside before gathering for the video announcements. Our spelling word was “academic,” and our Show, Not Tell was “The chair was uncomfortable.” We completed our Heggerty listening games and worked through our reading maze. Following a quick workout, we practiced our Christmas concert song. If you'd like to practice at home, you can click here to listen. We also worked on active listening skills while sharing stories about our weekends. The morning wrapped up with literacy rotations.

After Recess:
In math, the Grade 1s and 2s focused on using their hundreds charts to skip count by 10s and 1s, a helpful tool when finding sums of numbers. The Grade 3s revisited earlier lessons, creating subtraction word problems for given solutions and practicing personal strategies for solving addition and subtraction equations.

After Lunch:
We headed to the library with Mrs. Comeau, where the entire school gathered to begin planning for our Christmas concert. With just a month until Christmas, we have a lot to prepare, but the excitement is building!

With Mr. Ross home sick, we joined the K-1 class for PE. We played tag and a variety of other games. Mixing the classes for PE is a rare treat, but it was a lot of fun!

End of Day:
We ended the day back with Mrs. Comeau, practicing our song for the Christmas concert. Home to School books were packed with a memo about parent-teacher meetings (attached to this post). Don’t forget to check for it!

Picture of the Day:
Joint PE with the K-1 class today! Rare but always enjoyable!

Posted: November 22, 2024

Nov 22

Daily Update:
We missed yesterday’s update as I wasn’t feeling my best—trying to keep up with these students can be tough! After announcements over the intercom, our spelling word was “misunderstanding,” and our Show, Not Tell was “He was tired.” We completed our Heggerty listening games and worked through a reading maze. Following our exercises, we practiced our Christmas concert song. If you’d like to practice at home, you can click here to listen to it. We reviewed transitions between activities, swapped books in our book boxes, and had a quick Read-to-Self session. For Work on Writing, we completed a word maze. Just before recess, Miss Brown stopped by with smiley face cookies that brought big grins to all our faces!

After Recess:
In math, the Grade 1s and 2s worked on using their hundreds charts to skip count by 10s and 1s. This skill came in handy as they started finding the sum of two numbers. The Grade 3s revisited earlier concepts but focused on creating subtraction word problems for specific solutions and using personal strategies for solving addition and subtraction equations.

After Lunch:
The classroom was quiet as everyone headed down to Lego Club! After spending extra time building and cleaning up, we returned to the classroom to practice our Christmas song. We used boomwhackers to hit the notes in rhythm. Next week, we plan to swap out the boomwhackers for ukuleles and the hitting for strumming.

Mrs. Hill joined us for PE today! We started with a warm-up, running laps and stretching, before moving on to basketball drills. We ended the session with a game of tail snatch, which felt like a mix of flag football and British bulldog. If you recognize that last reference, you might be dating yourself like I did!

End of Day:
We wrapped up the day with our Book of Gratitude. Today’s writing prompt was “A new thing I learned today was…” We reviewed today’s writing for any edits, filled out our Home to School books, and reminded students that report cards go home on Tuesday! Term 1 flew by—it’s true what they say, time flies when you’re having fun learning. We ended with a few minutes of free choice time before heading home.

Posted: November 20, 2024

Nov 20

Daily Update:
We missed an update yesterday because of an internet outage, but today we’re back online! After announcements over the intercom, our spelling word was “independent.” For Show, Not Tell, we worked on “He could not play the guitar.” We completed our Heggerty listening games and worked on a reading maze. After some exercises, we practiced our Christmas concert song, “Let’s Build a Gingerbread House.” If you’d like to practice at home, you can click here to hear it. We then moved into our literacy rotations. Our work on writing prompt was “The best thing to do on a rainy day is…” During teacher conferences, we continued mastering reading mazes. We’re getting quicker and more confident with them!

After Recess:
In math, the Grade 1s and 2s worked on using their hundreds chart to skip count and find missing numbers. The Grade 3s revisited earlier concepts and focused on creating subtraction word problems for given solutions while using personal strategies for addition and subtraction equations.

After Lunch:
We went to see Mr. Whalen and practiced our ukuleles. He introduced us to boomwhackers, which helped us keep rhythm while strumming. As a bonus, he even dropped off a guitar for the school! No wonder his visits are such a highlight.

We split our PE time between two activities: 10 minutes of basketball and 20 minutes of floor hockey. Whether you were shooting hoops or scoring goals, everyone came back to class sweaty and smiling!

End of Day:
We wrapped up the day with our Book of Gratitude. Today’s prompt was “I am thankful for the chance to try…” We reviewed our writing for any fixes, filled out our Home to School books, and added a reminder about skating at the LBA tomorrow at 9:00. With a few minutes of free choice time, we closed out a busy and fun day.

Picture of the Day:
Indoor recess means getting creative to stay entertained. Check out what we came up with!

Posted: November 18, 2024

Nov 18

Daily Update:
After the morning announcements, our spelling word was “disinfectant.” For Show, Not Tell, we worked on “He was lost.” We played our Heggerty listening games and switched things up by trying a reading maze instead of a doodle. A reading maze gives you three words, and you have to choose the one that fits best in the sentence. For example, “Jane (from/did/soda) not like playing the piano.” What word would you choose? We completed two sets of exercises before moving into our literacy rotations. During guided reading, we practiced more reading mazes. They’re tricky, but we’ll master them soon! Our writing prompt was “The best part of school is…” What would you say is your favorite part?

After Recess:
In math, the Grade 1s and 2s reviewed representing numbers and started working with money, focusing on dimes and nickels. Do you know what image is on a dime? The Grade 3s focused on developing personal strategies for adding and subtracting numbers.

After Lunch:
We practiced on our ukuleles, concentrating on timing our strumming and moving our fingers on the frets. It’s exciting to see how much progress we’re making already. I think we’ll be ready for a song soon!

We kicked off PE with some floor hockey and wrapped up the session with basketball. A quick reminder for Grades 3-5: there’s basketball practice tomorrow after school from 2:30 to 4:00.

End of Day:
We had a special guest today! Mrs. Comeau joined us to help with singing and getting ready for the Christmas Concert. We worked on a fun song called “Let’s Build a Gingerbread House.” The list of ingredients in the song made everyone hungry! Do you remember what was in it?

Picture of the Day:
A rare snapshot where everyone made it into the frame—though you might have to look closely!

Posted: November 14, 2024

Nov 14

Daily Update:
Following the morning announcements, our spelling word for today was “Habitat.” Our Show, Not Tell prompt was “She was not good at cooking.” We moved quickly through our Heggerty listening games and sped through our turtle doodles at double speed! We also tackled two sets of exercises. Can you remember any of the four we did? Afterward, we dove into our literacy rotations. In UFLI, we read a decodable book, and our writing prompt was “If I found a magic lamp, I would…” We did a short refresher on sitting properly on the mat to ensure a smooth transitions.

After Recess:
It was time for math! The Grade 1s and 2s reviewed representing numbers, recognizing pattern cores, sums, and sorting rules like identifying even and odd numbers. Then, we compared numbers using greater than, less than, and equal to signs. The Grade 3s focused on mental math strategies like “doubles plus one,” “double take away one,” “doubles plus two,” and “doubles take away two.” I hope everyone remembers their doubles! We wrapped up with addition and subtraction facts up to 18.

After Lunch:
We continued reading *The One and Only Ivan*. Ivan is getting anxious about Julia and her father possibly giving all his paintings to Mack to sell. Why can’t they see what his work really represents? In music, we practiced our strumming and finger placements on the ukulele frets. It’s a challenging start, but we’re already enjoying the learning journey!

We kicked off PE with some floor hockey, though one team’s scoring streak led us to switch gears to basketball for the rest of the class. We ended the session with a few gymnastics moves to keep things balanced.

End of Day:
In our Book of Gratitude, today’s prompt was “A fun moment I had today was...” We reviewed and checked our morning work, then filled out our Home to School books. Reminder there is no school tomorrow for students. I also added basketball permission slips for Grades 3 to 5, just in case anyone missed theirs yesterday.

Picture of the Day:
It’s tough to find a nap spot under the desk when it’s already occupied by someone else!

Posted: November 13, 2024

Nov 13

Daily Update:
Following the morning announcements, our spelling word for today was “unlimited.” Our Show, Not Tell prompt was “He was dressed poorly.” We played our Heggerty listening games and did a quick doodle of a turtle. After that, we started our literacy rotations. In UFLI, we focused on consonant digraphs, and our writing prompt was “My favorite season is…” We shared our writing pieces before getting ready for recess.

After Recess:
We dove into math! The Grade 1s and 2s worked on representing numbers with base ten blocks and compared them using less than, greater than, and equal signs. The Grade 3s practiced mental math strategies with doubles and created addition story problems, solving them with equations. They wrapped up with some time on DreamBox.

We’re thrilled to have Mr. Whalen back! Today, we got to play with ukuleles. We’ve got a lot to learn before we can play songs, but they’re so fun! Even Miss Brown came down to check them out!

In preparation for the upcoming basketball season, we spent the first part of class practicing our basketball skills. We finished with some gymnastics activities to work on flexibility and balance.

End of Day:
Our Book of Gratitude prompt was “I am thankful for learning about…” A few students had to redo their sheets with grade-appropriate work—no slacking this close to report cards! We reviewed our morning work, made any necessary corrections, and filled out our Home to School books before winding down for the day.

Picture of the Day:
We’re already brainstorming for our Christmas Concert! No spoilers, but it’s going to be exciting!
