Mrs. Craig - Archived 11/20

kindergarten Rocks

Posted: November 21, 2011

  Due to my absence today, the children's folders/homework will go home tomorrow night (Tuesday). Select a favorite book from home and enjoy some quality reading time!   I will see you tomorrow children! 

Posted: November 20, 2011

November 21-November 25, 2011 This week's Value Lesson- "Be Joyful"          donations to the food bank are being collected in Mrs. Craig's Room            Zoo Phonics-  Letters of the week Nn   Oo                        - meet Nigel Night Owl and Olly Octopus ABC BOOM- stroke focus the astronaut  shlang!                 New Words-  List number 7 -  Please review other lists MATH- N1- know the number sequence from 1-10/10-1                      Beginning at any number ex. 4,5,6… 10  ;   8,9,10   or   5,4,3…1 ;   8,7,6…1 -                              -Continuing our unit Exploring Numbers 1-5 - amounts more/ fewer, numbers before/ after                recognize familiar arrangements of dots (like on dominoes)   MONDAY  - WE ARE AT DAY # 50!                Mrs. Craig will be out TUESDAY - Hot Lunch Day z               Pack your skating bags!   WEDNESDAY – Our first Skating Day, be prepared you need a helmet and ski pants!   THURSDAY – poetry anthology goes home complete the activity   FRIDAY – Pizza Day!!   HOMEWORK-Read and Record nightly               Complete the activity sheets for math and L.A.               Poetry Anthology –read to an adult and complete the                            Related activity You can keep the homework book home for the week and return it Friday.

Posted: November 13, 2011

                                                          November 14-November 18, 2011 VALUE LESSON- We have integrity and intelligence!   Zoo Phonics-  Letters of the week Ll   and  Mm                        - meet Lizzy Lizard and Missy Mouse (due to interruptions we are a bit behind) ABC BOOM- stroke focus the astronaut  shlang!  New Words-  List number    Please review other lists MATH- N1- know the number sequence from 1-10/10-1                         Beginning at any number ex. 4,5,6… 10  ;   8,9,10   or   5,4,3…1 ;   8,7,6…1  -                        -Continuing our unit Exploring Numbers 1-5 MONDAY  - Library Day!        TUESDAY - Hot Lunch Day WEDNESDAY – THURSDAY – poetry anthology goes home  FRIDAY – Pizza Day!!     HOMEWORK-please see note in the homework books for new format. You can keep the homework book home until Thursday.  The poetry anthology will be sent home on Thursdays (subject to change occasionally). Children are asked to return their reading books to exchange daily however.   We extend our many thanks for the donations made to Unicef via the penny drive.  The total is not yet in however, whatever the amount every bit makes a difference!  Thanks         We have two COLLECTIONS underway!     1. Our district wide food drive is underway.  Students may (but are not obligated to) bring food items to school according to the list sent home.  There is a draw at the end for prizes and ballots will be received as items are donated.       2. Milk Bags- there is a lady in Moncton who collects milk bags which are cut in such a way that they are made into mats for the people of Haiti.  THe bags are those that hold the 3 smaller bags. Collections are ongoing.  If you don't drink milk from the bags, perhaps you have relatives or neighbors who can safe them for you!       

Posted: November 6, 2011

                                                     November 4-November 11, 2011   VALUE LESSON- We are happy and harmonious children!     Zoo Phonics-  Letters of the week Jj  and  Kk                      - meet Jerry Jellyfish and Kayo Kangaroo (due to interruptions we are a bit behind) ABC BOOM- stroke focus  the Rocket… Prrrsh!  New Words-  had     are   no MATH- N1- know the number sequence from 1-10/10-1 -      Continuing our unit Exploring Numbers 1-5 MONDAY - First Library Day!              Homework – practice letter a page              Read and record- (green sheet in the back of your book)                     TUESDAY - Hot Lunch Day                      Homework-Math- count items in your room              Read and Record WEDNESDAY – Homework – Practice letter c page                  Read and Record                         Practice letter n page THURSDAY – 10:30 Remembrance Day Ceremony families are invited to share in our tribute                           Practice letter n page Poetry Anthology- review poems and do the activity.                          Return it by Monday please. FRIDAY – NO classes for students. Remembrance Day- you may be interested in attending the ceremony at James M. Hill.

Posted: October 30, 2011

                          October 31-November 3, 2011                                Happy Halloween!         VALUE LESSON- "We  are  grateful  for  what  we  have."    Zoo Phonics-  Letters of the week K k  and  L l                      - meet Kayo Kangaroo and Lizzy Lizard ABC BOOM- stroke focus   the Rocket… Prrrsh!                 New Words-  had     are   MATH- children are being assessed on sorting/patterns             - Beginning our unit Exploring Numbers 1-5      MONDAY – Family  Pumpkin Carving Event 10:30-11:30              Homework- record your Halloween night with a picture and Kid Writing                     Practice your word list                                       Happy Trick or Treating have Fun and Be Safe! TUESDAY - Hot Lunch Day                     Guidance with Miss Prichard-I Care rules                     Homework- read and record  WEDNESDAY – Homework Poetry Anthology-  review poems and do the activity.                          Return it by Monday please.                          read and record THURSDAY – Last day this week FRIDAY – NO classes for students. 

Posted: October 23, 2011

           OCTOBER 24th-28th    Penny drive for UNICEF still going strong VALUE LESSON- We are fantastic and friendly children. Zoo Phonics- meet Inny Inchworm and Jerry Jellyfish      Letters of the week     Ii   Jj ABC BOOM- stroke focus… VROOM!   MONDAY – Homework- practice  vroom! Stroke                         practice your word list TUESDAY - Hot Lunch Day                     Guidance with Miss Prichard-I Care rule                         Homework: practice Snore stroke, and your word list WEDNESDAY – Homework practice Boing! Stroke and your word list THURSDAY – Homework 'Poetry Anthology' – do activity and review poems.                        (Always look for word wall words!) FRIDAY – Picture Retakes,          PIZZA FRIDAY!                    Pumpkin Carving!  ON MONDAY (sorry for the confusion)My favorite of many school family events!  Students do not wear costumes to this event but are encouraged to dress in festive colors to celebrate Hallowe'en!  We want all students to have somebody to carve with but let us know if not so we can buddy them up with another family.  Thanks!

Posted: October 16, 2011

                                                  October 17th - 20th       VALUE LESSON- Encourage Others Zoo Phonics- meet Gordo Gorilla and Honey Horse                      Letters of the week Gg   and  Hh ABC BOOM- stroke focus… VROOM! Building our Word Wall  new words-  see      can        I    am    a    at   MONDAY – practice Vroom, plop and snore strokes                       practice word wall words each night (they are in the back of your homework book) TUESDAY  - Hot Lunch Day                     Guidance with Miss Prichard WEDNESDAY – French today THURSDAY Poetry Anthology goes home please return it on Monday                       Enjoy your long weekend FRIDAY – NO CLASSES today  

Posted: October 12, 2011

 again we ask that you send money in a sealed container with students' names and # of pieces desired.  Often students are confused if they are ordering or not so it helps if you let them know before school. 

Posted: October 12, 2011

Thank You to our local firefighters

Posted: October 12, 2011

The children received important information about fire prevention and emergency actions from our firemen guests.  They enjoyed the session and received some gifts from our local fire department.  We thank them for their services and taking time to visit Napan Elementary.


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