Posted: October 25, 2013
Mrs. Craig - Archived 11/20
kindergarten Rocks
Posted: October 20, 2013
it's been a while but we're back!!
Zoo Phonics-
Zoo News!
During our Friday safaris, Ellie Elephant, Francy Fish, Gordo Gorilla and Honey Horse were located and have helped the students learn about letters Ee Ff, Gg , Hh, Ii and Jj.
Value themes” “We have integrity and intelligence”
“feel joyful and enjoy life!"
Stay tuned for more Zoo News!
Patterns and Relations- continued work with various patterns- AB AAB AABB ABC etc. using objects and body actions- Children will be able to name, copy, extend and create patterns.
October 21st-25th, 2013
Here’s What’s Up!
Have everyone search and find items around your home that begin with K and L!
students have been working with the strokes called= plop, snore, prrsh, vroom!
*Math Outcome- Patterns and Relations- we are presently working on patterning with various "cores: A B, AAB, ABB, ABC etc. Our patterns are made using color size, actions, direction, shape etc.
Monday, October 21st–
Mad Science resumes
Tuesday October 22nd
Hot LUnch day- Taquitos
Wednesday October 23rd
Meet Lizzy Lizard
Thursday October 24th
Poetry Anthology - sing, read and play with the songs and poems. Point to words and discuss the meaning of each. Locate letters that we have been learning about!
Friday October 25th
Pizza Day! Remember please, send money in a bag or container showing names and number of pieces in the home folder please.
SOCK HOP!! THanK YOU Home and School!
Posted: September 23, 2013
Zoo Phonics-
Zoo News! During our Friday safari Catina Cat and Dee Dee Deer were located and are helped learn about letters C and D.
Our Value themes” “We are courteous, caring and capable students.”
“Don’t give up even if it is difficult.”
Stay tuned for more Zoo News!
September 23th-27th, 2013
Here’s What’s Up!
Zoo News! This week Ellie Elephant and Francy Fish will help us learn about the letters Ee and Ff. Talk to your children about words that begin like Ellie and Francy. Have everyone search and find items around your home!
Value Themes: “Encourage others”
“We are Fantastic and Friendly children”
ABC BOOM! This week the children will be introduced to, and practice the raindrop stroke PLOP!!
*Math Outcome- Patterns and Relations- we are presently working on sorting items based on various sorting rules. COLOR is most obvious so we are exploring others attributes such as size and shape and will have our introduction to patterning.
Monday, September 23 – Mad Science permissions due
Notes to Home-Hot Lunch forms and Home and School registration
Tuesday September 24
Wednesday September 25
Thursday September 26-
Terry Fox Walk- you are invited to join us for our annual family walk!
Poetry Anthology - sing, read and play with the songs and poems. Point to words and discuss the meaning of each. Locate letters that we have been learning about!
Friday September 27
Pizza Day! Remember please, send money in a bag or container showing names and number of pieces.
Deadlines for handing in the fundraiser orders and money
Posted: September 15, 2013
Posted: September 15, 2013
Zoo Phonics- last week we met our first 2 zoo animals- “allie alligator and bubba bear”. We discussed the Value Lessons, and we learned the sound and signal (body movement) for each. Students tried to think of words that began like “allie and bubba”…you can try this at home too. On Friday we had a classroom safari and located our zoo friends! Stay tuned for more Zoo News!
value lessons
Value Theme:
"We are absolutely admirable and angelic children."
"Be the best that we can be!"
September 16th -20th, 2013
Here’s What’s Up!
ABC BOOM! This week the children will be introduced to, and practice the raindrop stroke PLOP!!
*Math Outcome- Sorting objects based on one attribute, beginning a-b-a-b patterns. Discriminating what is/is not a pattern
Monday, September 16 –
students will meet Catina Cat
Tuesday September 17
Wednesday September 18
Students will meet Dee Dee Deer
Thursday September 19-
Poetry Anthology - sing, read and play with the songs and poems. Point to words and discuss the meaning of each.
Friday September 20
Picture Day!
Wear your wonderful smiles - children will remain indoors for early recess, photos are taken first thing in the morning
Scholastic book orders are due. Remember to clip the form, seal it in an envelope with student's name. Cheques are to be made to Scholastic Canada, thank you!
Mad Science registration is due Monday- this is a great “hands-on” learning experience for the children!
Deadlines for handing in the fundraiser orders and money and Terry Fox donations are next week.
Posted: June 3, 2013
Let's see what the week has in store!
With an adult, Read every night and practice your sight words. We finished our pirate party today so children did not bring home books.
*Math Outcome-THE BIG IDEAS:
number sense! Recognize numerals and match numeral to quantity. Part-Part-Whole, 5 frames and 10 frames. Students need to have a good understanding of relationships of numbers between 0-10. Comparing values- Numbers that are more and less than others, the difference between quantities
Our focus this week is number lines and relations between numbers. Combinations of 8, 9 and 10 to finish off our unit on numbers to 10. Children will be reassessed on the unit. Our next unit is identifying and building with 2 and 3D shapes.
Here’s What’s Up!
Go for 42!
The MANGO challenge is on! We are encouraging all Napan Elementary families to rise to the challenge. A 1 km (or more) family walk each day not only gets your child closer to the 42 target, it provides exercise, outdoor time, quality family time, and math skills- count steps between phone poles, mailboxes etc. compare steps from walking to running. Why are they different?
If you are participating, please send the kid’s booklet each day for recording purposes.
Don’t forget the forms if your child is participating in the fun run in June!
Students have been walking a Kilometer/day when weather cooperates. They are doing very well in keeping with the challenge.
June 3-7
Read and record each night-
Practice spelling and writing your words.
Monday, June 3–
Tuesday June 4
HOT lunch day - Hamburgers from BK.
Wednesday June 5
Thursday June 6-
Poetry Anthology Goes home. continue with Nursery Rhyme and associated activity. You may keep the word sheets from the "woman in the shoe" and use them for word, story or rhyming games.
Spelling Test today!
Friday June 7
today we will go to Wayerton to release out fish! The children have been observing he life cycle and keeping record of the various changes since the eggs arrived. Today we release them to their natural habitat. It is always an adventure. We will be making a full day of it with a few more stops.
CHildren will need a BAGGED LUNCH as we will not be at school for Pizza. Please ensure they have a full lunch including a drink. Thank You
Happy Birthday to Wilhelm Forbes who turned 6 on May 29. Best wishes from your class and teachers, Wilhelm!
Library Day- we finished Pirates Party today so we will visit the Library tomorrow. In order to borrow books, students must bring the previous book back.
Posted: May 30, 2013
Argh! me laddy bucks.
Don your seawear and join us for an afternoon of pirate pranks.
Pirates eat Pizza! send your child's money in a sealed container with their name and #of pieces.
Rock Wall Day.
Your spelling test is today :)
Posted: May 20, 2013
Posted: May 20, 2013
With an adult, Read every night and practice your sight words.
*Math Outcome-THE BIG IDEAS:
number sense! Recognize numerals and match numeral to quantity. Part-Part-Whole, 5 frames and 10 frames. Students need to have a good understanding of relationships of numbers between 0-10. Comparing values- Numbers that are more and less than others, the difference between quantities,
Here’s What’s Up!
Go for 42!
The MANGO challenge is on! We are encouraging all Napan Elementary families to rise to the challenge. A 1 km (or more) family walk each day not only gets your child closer to the 42 target, it provides exercise, outdoor time, quality family time, and math skills- count steps between phone poles, mailboxes etc. compare steps from walking to running. Why are they different?
If you are participating, please send the kid’s booklet each day for recording purposes.
Don’t forget the forms if your child is participating in the fun run in June!
May 20-May 24th
Read and record each night-
Practice spelling and writing your words.
Monday, May 20 –
NO School, Victoria Day weekend
Tuesday May 21
HOT lunch day
Library Day- bring your library books if you would like to borrow again this week.
Begin your new spelling/writing list. Spell the words orally and say the letters as you write them down to make it easier.
Wednesday May 22
Thursday May 23-
Poetry Anthology continue with Nursery Rhyme activity
Friday May 24
Spelling test today
Pizza Day! Send students’ money in a container of some sort with NAMES and # of pieces, please.
In April, the Capital One "Rocks and Rings" group visited our school to teach us about "curling" we learned much and the kids had fun. Check out our photos!
To recognize Earth Day, Isabella, from Northumberland Solid Waste Commission came to our class and did a presentation about Recycling. We learned how to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and how important it is for Mother Earth. She gave us some pretty neat stuff too.
We had some guest readers: Thank you Raya, Madison, and Reese. Who will it be this week?
Happy Birthday to Lillian!
MUSIC MONDAY! On Monday, May 6th, Napan Elementary joined schools across the country for Music Monday. This year's was extra special as we could link up with NASA and Commander Chris Hadfield on the International Space Station (ISS) and join in singing Is Someone Singing? (ISS). Music Monday is a yearly event to bring attention to the importance of Music Education throuth the Music Coalition of Canada. Check out their site ....and also Hadfield's song on You Tube.
Fish Friends: the fish are really growing! They are longer and darker. We saw some swimming around but most are still hiding under the rocks. Mrs. Craig started feeding them a little bit because the food sacs are getting really small. We will be releasing them in June.
Jessie and Jayden arranged to bring their pet bunnies to our classroom! What fun we had. They wrote reports and read them to the children after morning circle and then their mom brought the bunnies in the afternoon. We got to hold them! This gave us other ways to explore our 5 senses in You and Your world. Thank you to the Russells for sharing your pets with our class.
Posted: April 29, 2013
ZOO Phonics
Students have completed the alphabet and should know each letter and sound. Now, our focus it to blend them to make words and be able to read nonsense words. (we have been working at this already, but now with more attention). The goal is automaticity-quick recall speeds on letters and groups of letters.
With an adult, Read every night and practice your sight words.
*Math Outcome-THE BIG IDEAS: number sense! Recognize numerals and match numeral to quantity. Part-Part-Whole, 5 frames and 10 frames. Students need to have a good understanding of relationships of numbers between 0-10. Comparing values- Numbers that are more and less than others, the difference between quantities,
Here’s What’s Up!
Jump Rope for Heart envelopes are due by Wednesday.
Monday –
Students go to the library today. Many students have not returned their books. Books borrowed today must be brought back by Wednesday
Continue to practice your sight words. We will begin with a “spelling list” to practice on a weekly basis.
Tuesday –
HOT lunch day
Pack your library book for tomorrow
Jump Rope for Heart!! We will be participating at 1:00 pm - IMPORTANT! All envelopes and money must be returned by today.
Thursday-No school for students
Friday-No School for students-
Children will hear, write and play with poetry throughout the month. Fun with children’s favorite poems…Nursery Rhymes will also be part of our Language Arts activities.