Mrs. Sobey Notes

Mrs. Sobey's Class


Posted: May 6, 2020

Hello Parents,

You may have received an email from me tonight in regards to EPIC Books. I was investigating as to what that site was all about. It would give you access to a set of books for your child to use for independent reading. After looking at it, I prefer the Wilbooks site that I recommended previously. That being said if you like to check this site out as well, send me an email and I will re-send you the link to activate an account for your child. My email address again is,

Have a good evening!

Posted: May 6, 2020

Good Morning Boys and Girls!

Today is Wednesday, May 6th.

It looks like it is going to be a wonderful day.

The sun is shining and this afternoon it is supposed to feel warm.

If you check the skies after 12:30 today, you might get to see the "Snowbirds" flying over our city. So exciting!

I think I am going to head to Napan to see them too! 

Have a fun day! Love, Mrs. Sobey

Language Arts Activities

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Scroll Down the page to “Day 5” and click on “You Have Healthy Bones”.

Watch the story. After read aloud, please complete the “Fact and Fiction and Word Match” activities from the links on the left hand side of the page.


Begin by having your child re-read their writing piece from Monday. Their completed pieces should have at least 3 sentences. If they have reached that goal, have them add another detail to extend their writing a bit further. When these are finished, I would love to see them. That way I can also give your child some feedback to help them set some goals to work on so that their writing will continue to show growth. Writing pieces can be emailed to me at  

Math Activities 


Practice double facts 0-9 

Follow this link: 


Follow this link:

Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email. 

Weekly Word Problem

Please refer to “Documents” tab to locate the word problem for this week. There is an image that the students will need to refer to, to answer the problem. 

In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete the task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  

Posted: May 5, 2020

Good Morning Grade 1!

Today is "trying" Tuesday, May 5th.

It looks like it is going to be another dark, rainy day. Maybe it wil a jammie day for me today.

When it's rainy I like to eat lots of snacks. I am going to try to stay away for the treats in the cupboard.

What are you going to try and do?

I was sooo happy to see some of you yesterday. It really made me smile to see your smiling faces. 

Have a terrific day, stay dry! 

Love, Mrs. Sobey 

Language Arts Activities

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Your child watch the read aloud of Erica S. Perl’s “Ferocious Fluffity”

Follow up activity: These words all rhyme with Jake, can you read them? 

cake, snake, bake, wake, fake, lake, take, rake, mistake 

Writing Challenge: How many of these “ake” words can you use in one sentence?

Here’s mine: The snake made a mistake when he was baking his cake by the lake.   

Word Work

Follow this link:

Scroll down to “Popcorn Words." Choose to play "Level 3" this week.  

Math Activities


Subitizing with Jack Hartmann

Follow this link: 


Follow this link:

Aim to complete 2 more activities today. 

Estimation Word Problem

The word problem for this week has been posted separately and can be found under the “documents tab.”   

In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete the task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  

Posted: May 4, 2020

Dear Mom and Dad,

We are now entering our 5th week of “Home Learning.” I want to thank you once again for the help that you have been giving your children to complete their learning activities. The direction remains the same, please “do what they can, when they can.”  Reach out if you have any questions or concerns that you like to discuss with me. My email address is Have a good week!

Hello Boys and Girls,

Today is Monday, May 4th.

I hope you all had a nice weekend and enjoyed all the sunshine.

It looks like today might be cloudy with some showers.

I posted the answer to your word problem from last week. Do you like the dogs I drew?

I am going to the school soon to wait outside for you all to come pick up your things. 

It makes me sad that our time together ended early.  

I am missing you all a whole bunch!

Love, Mrs. Sobey 

Language Arts Activities

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Scroll Down the page to “Day 5” and Click on “Take Me There”.

Watch “Dem Bones” story.

Then, return to down to Day 5 once again and complete the “Whose Bones Are These?” spelling activity.


On a piece of paper, have your child either create a skeleton using glue and cotton swabs or draw a skeleton.  They can be creative doing this. When their picture is finished, have them write a short storytelling what you know about skeletons or bones. Or they could use their imagination and make up a story about a pretend skeleton. They should work on this activity for about 15 minutes. They will have more time to complete it on Wednesday.

 * Remember boys and girls, capital letters are used to begin sentences, for the word “I” and for the names of people and places. Also, don’t forget to use stop marks to show the reader where your sentence ends.

Math Activities

Warm Up

Practice skip-counting by 2’s to 20, then you are going to try counting by 2’s to 30. Can you go that far boys and girls? (Parents, the expectation for then end of Grade 1 is that students would be able to count by 2’s to 20.)

Follow this link:

Then, count around the circle by 2’s to 20 with your families. You will have to teach mom and dad how to play this game. 


Follow this link:

Your goal is to complete 10 activities this week.

Math Word Problem of the Week

This week students are going to learn about “estimation.”

Estimation means making a thoughtful guess about how many there is of something, the answer is NOT exact. When estimating we use the words “about, close to, and almost.”

Please have your child begin by watching this short video that explains what “estimation” is and provides a few examples.

The question had to be posted separately under the “Documents” tab as there is an image to go along with it. 

In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete the task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  

Posted: May 1, 2020

Hip, Hip Hooray it's Friday!

Today is the first day of May 1.

It looks like it might be a sunny morning.

I think that it is going to rain later today and maybe tomorrow.

Do you like rainy days? I do sometimes!

I hope you all a great weekend!

Love, Mrs. Sobey


Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Your child will listen to the story “Mrs. Wishy Washy” by Joy Cowell

Comprehension Question (After listening to the story.)

Oh dear, the animals have all gone back into the mud. What do you think Mrs. Wishy Washy is going to do when she finds out? You could write a sentence to tell what you think Mrs. Wishy Washy will do or you could tell someone orally. You decide! J



Warm Up: Review partners for 10


Dreambox Activity:

Please complete 2 more lessons today.


Word Problem: If I spied 16 dog legs, how many dogs did I see?

Email me you answers please. (

Thank you to those who have already done so!


Optional Ideas For Fun Friday


Music Idea

Follow this link:

A fun farm song that review some directional words with Jack Hartmann. 


Movement Ideas

If Animals Could Dance by The Learning Station:

Yoga Time, On The Farm:


Art Idea

Follow this link for an Art activity:

You will learn how to draw a barn. The video is a little fast. You might want to pause after each step to give yourself sometime to complete.


In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete the task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  (I've posted a link to the May Social-Emotional Learning Calendar.)

Posted: April 30, 2020

Good Morning Boys and Girls,

Today is thoughtful Thursday.

Look for ways to be extra thoughtful and caring with your words and actions today.  

It is the last day of April. Tomorrow will be the 1st day of _________.

I am going to the school this morning to pack up your things.

It will make me sad to be there without you. I miss you all so much.

Have a thoughtful day!  Love, Mrs. Sobey 

Tasks for today are:

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

You will watch an animation story of “Click Clack Moo” by Doreen Cronin

Follow up activity: How many “ick” words can you think of?

Make a list, then write a silly sentences using some of them. I’d love to hear some of your silly sentences.

Perhaps when I talk to you on the phone you could share it with me. 

Word Work

Follow this link:

Scroll down to the game “Kitten Hop” or play another sight word game of your choice. 


Warm-Up: Practice skip counting by 5’s to 50. 

Practice counting by 5's to 50 around the circle with your family. (Just like what we would do at school kiddos!)  

Dreambox Activity: Aim to complete at least 2 activities. 

Word Problem

Have you solved the weekly word problem yet? 

In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete the task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  

Posted: April 29, 2020

Happy Wacky Wednesday Class!

Today is April 29th, 2020.

The month of April is almost over. What month comes next? (Sing our months of the year songs to help you figure it out.)

It looks like is going to another sunny day. What will you do today?

I hope you are getting outside some to enjoy our sunny days.  

Have a wonderful day everyone! Love, Mrs. Sobey

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Scroll Down the page to “Day 4” and click on “Living On Farms”.

Watch “Living On Farms” story. After read aloud, please complete the “Fact and Fiction and Word Match” activities from the links on the left hand side of the page.



Follow this link:

Continue to work on your “Community Activity” that you began on Monday. Today I would like you to label the buildings and objects in your community. Remember, when writing words that are not found on your word wall you stretch them out and put down all the sounds you hear.  

Also, when labelling ojects and buildings you would begin the word with a capital letter. 



Follow this link:

Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email.

Work to complete 2 more lessons today boys and girls. 


*Extra Task: Practice double facts 0-9 

Follow this link: 


Have you solve the math word problem yet? I have! 


In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete the daily task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  

Posted: April 28, 2020

Hello Children,

Today is “trying” Tuesday, April 28th.

It is a _____________ morning. (Fill in a word to describe what it is like outside.)

I am going to try to go for a walk today. I missed going yesterday.

What are you going to try to do?

I can see that you are playing your math games all the way to the end. Great job!

I hope you all have a terrific day!

Love, Mrs. Sobey

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Your child watch the read aloud of David Shannon’s “Duck on A Bike!”

Follow up activity: These words all rhyme with duck, can you read them?

duck, luck, muck, stuck, yuck, tuck, truck, snuck  

Writing Challenge: How many of these “uck” words can you use in one sentence?

Here’s mine: The red truck was not very lucky, he got stuck in the yucky muck. 

Word Work

Follow this link:

Scroll down to “Popcorn Words”. Choose the “Level 2” tab this week. You will practice reading a new set of sight words. 


Follow this link:

Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email.

Your goal is to complete at least 10 lessons this week. Aim to complete 2 lessons today. Remember if you begin a game, please finish it.   

In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete a task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  

Posted: April 27, 2020

Dear Mom and Dad,

We are now entering our fourth week of “Home Learning.” I want to thank you all for the help that you have been giving your children to complete the activities that I have been providing.  Once again, these activities are not intended to cause additional stress for your families. I just ask that the students, “do what they can, when they can.”  Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns that you like to discuss with me. My email address is   Have a good week! Mrs. Sobey


Good Morning Children,

Today is Monday, April 27, 2020.

It is cloudy this morning. I wonder if it is going to rain.

I hope you all enjoyed our sunny weekend.

Did any of you go for ice cream?

I am missing you a lot.

Love, Mrs. Sobey


Language Arts

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Scroll Down the page to “Day 4” and Click on “Take Me There”.

Watch “Giggle, Giggle, Quack” story.  Then, complete the “Which Came First” activity from the links on the left hand side of the page.



Follow this link:

Scroll Down the page to “Day 4” and choose “Draw and Write Activity: Create Your Own Community.”  You decide which community you want to create, a rural community (a country community) or an urban community (a town/city community). Today students could work on drawing the community and naming it. On Wednesday, they could work on labeling the stores/places/objects in their communities. Students should spend about 20 minutes working on this activity for today.  



Follow this link:

Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email.

Your goal for this week is to complete 10 lessons. If you complete at least 2 each day you will reach the goal at the end of the week. Remember if you begin a game, please finish it.    


*New Math Activity*

Beginning today, students will be given a weekly Math Word Problem. These problems will have them practice a variety of math concepts. I would encourage them to draw a picture to help them solve. I will post my work showing the solution on the following Monday morning. I would love to see the student’s work as well. That can be emailed to me at


Problem of the Week:

       I spy with my little eye 16 dog legs. How many dogs do I see?



In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete a task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  


Once again, I am providing you with the link to Wilbooks site. If you not checked it out, it has a variety of levelled texts children can access for their independent reading time.


Happy Weekend Families!

I came across this link tonight on the Scholastic Learn At Home Website. There are a variety of fun indoor and outdoor activites that you might be interested in completing in the coming weeks, especially since Spring has finally sprung!

Posted: April 24, 2020

Happy Friday!

The date is April 24, 2020.

It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day with lots of sunshine.  

It will be a great day to get outside and play.

Have fun and enjoy your weekend!

Love, Mrs. Sobey 

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Scroll Down the page to “Day 3” and Click on “Take Me There”.

Watch “All About Sound” story. Follow up activities: Click on the “Word Match” and “Fact or Fiction” tabs on the left hand side of the page. Complete the activities. 


Follow this link:

Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email.

Your goal has been to complete 5 lessons this week. Have you reached that goal? 

Optional Ideas for Fun Friday 

Music-Earth Day Song

Follow this link: 

Movement Ideas

Earth We Are In It Together:

Recycle Rap Rev 2: 

Art Idea

Follow this link:

You will learn how to draw a cute earth day friend. 

In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete a task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  

Have a great weekend Everyone! 




Posted: April 23, 2020

Dear Boys and Girls, 

Today is thankful Thursday.

I am thankful that I am able to talk to you on the phone. I am missing you a whole bunch. 

What are you thankful for today?

I posted a picture and an update on Baby Mya yesterday. Did you see it?

Have a great day everyone! Love, Mrs. Sobey

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Your child will watch the read aloud of Barbara Bottner’s “Miss Brooks Loves Books (And I Don’t)

Follow up activity: How many “ook” words can you think of? Make a list. I'd love to see the list of words you thought of. You can email me at

Word Work

Follow this link:

Scroll down to "Sight Word Smash." Click on the "First Grade" tab this week. 


Follow this link:

Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email.

Your goal is to complete at least 5 lessons this week. Keep working away at your activities. You are doing a great job! 

In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete a task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” 




Posted: April 22, 2020

Dear Children,

Today is Wednesday, April 22, 2020.

It is a cloudy morning. I also see some snow on the ground. 

Did it snow at your house too?

Today is Earth Day. Try and do something kind for our Earth today.

Have a great day everyone! Love, Mrs. Sobey

Read Aloud-Earth Day Story

Follow this link:


Writing Prompt: “I Can Care For the Earth by…”

We would like you to write about 3 different ways that you can care for our beautiful Earth. *Remember we use capital letters to begin sentences, for the word "I" and for the names of places and people. Also, we need to put in stop marks to show where our sentences end. I’d love to hear about the ways that you are going to care for our Earth. How about you email me a copy of your writing? 

You and Your World Activities

Begin by watching this fun song:

Then, follow this link: 

Help clean up the Earth by picking up the trash and putting into the right recycle bin.


Follow this link:

Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email.

Your goal is to complete at least 5 lessons this week. How many have you already completed?

In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in somephysical activity and complete a task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  


Posted: April 21, 2020

Hello Boys and Girls,

Today is Tuesday, April 21, 2020.

It is going to be sunny again.

I hope you are getting outside to enjoy this nice weather.

I've been walking each day to get some fresh air.

Enjoy your day everyone! Love, Mrs. Sobey

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Your child will watch a read aloud of Julia Rawlinson’s book “Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms."

Follow up activity: How many “ing” words can you make? Make a list.

Word Work

Follow this link:

Scroll down to “Sight Word Bingo”. Choose the “Primer” level for this week, it will be a great review of the words that had been introduced.  


Follow this link:

Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email.

Your goal is to complete at least 5 lessons this week. One each day will equal 5 on Friday boys and girls.  Keep working hard to play the whole game you begin!      

In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete a task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  


Posted: April 20, 2020

Monday, April 20th

Good Morning Parents,

Hope everyone enjoyed our sunny weekend. Once again, the tasks that I am providing for your children are not intended to create additional stress in an already stressful time. They are suggestions so that students can continue to have some practice in the areas of reading, writing and math. Do what you can, when you can! My email address again is Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!

Happy Monday Grade One Children!

I hope you all had a fun weekend.

It looks like it is going to be another sunny day.

Will you go out to play? I will go for a walk.

Have a great day with your families!

Love, Mrs. Sobey

Read Aloud

Follow this link:

Scroll Down the page to “Day 3” and Click on “Take Me There”.

Watch “Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin!” story.  Then, click on “Explore the Web” on the left hand side of the page.  Choose “LearnEnglish Kids/Topics: Music”. Play “Musical Instruments 1.” Then share with someone what your favourite musical instrument is. (I bought some new instruments for us to enjoy during Music class yesterday!)


Follow this link:

Scroll Down the page to “Day 3” and choose “Draw and Write Activity: Listening Ears.”  Close your eyes and just listen for a few seconds. Then draw a picture and write about 4 different sounds you hear.

What does Mrs. Sobey hear? Right now, I can hear the fan going in the bathroom, the the washer machine spinning, Chase calling out to his sister and a creak in the ceiling.

* Remember we need to use capital letters only at the beginning of our sentences, for the word "I" and for names of people and places. As well,  we need to put in some stop marks to show where our sentences end. I’d loved to hear about the sounds you hear at our house. How about you send me a picture of your writing?


Follow this link:

Have your child sign in with the school code and password picture that was provided by email.

*It has been brought to our attention that the preferred browser to use while completing tasks on Dreambox is Google Chrome. That might help reduce and possible eliminate the lagging or glitches that some students have been experiencing while completing lessons.

Your goal is to complete at least 5 lessons this week. That is only 1 lesson each day boys and girls. Also, if you begin a lesson please play the whole game.

In addition to the activities suggested above students are encourage to read independently, participate in some physical activity and complete a task from the “Social-Emotional Learning” calendar.  
