Mrs. Craig - Archived 11/20

kindergarten Rocks

Posted: April 17, 2020

(find some word wall words in the morning letter!)


Our word of the day is   g o i n g .  Use  it for STOP! DROP! and WRITE! 

Get a paper and pencil ready… set the timer for every 20-30 minutes when it goes off, STOP what you are doing and write for 2 minutes!  GO!!


Activities for Today

Visit tricky words on you tube and practice J

Read aloud:  choose from free online books to listen to! You can go to username: nblib password: nbschools for lots of book choices!

Language Arts: What are yo going to do today?  Who?    What?    When?  You can send me a picture of you and your story!

Math- continue working on Dreambox- aim for 5 activities per week.

Phys. ED and Social/Emotional- Choose activities from the activities posted.

Musicplayonline link is provided on this page.  Have fun with some Spring songs.

Posted: April 16, 2020

Hello Parents!

I was glad to have made contact with most of you once again and it seems as though we are all surviving these new times as best we can. That being said, PLEASE take the home learning in moderation. It is not meant to overwhelm or add undue stress on us.  Schedule your child's learning as it suits you, them and the household.  This is a learning curve for all involved so the activities are suggestions and encouraged.  Bottom line... PLEASE reach out if you have any questions to my email.  If the Kids want to send a little note or examples of their work, I would be happy to receive them!  It was bucketfilling to hear a few read their Easter stories over the phone.   

Technology Survey:

Our overhead would like to know   WHO has access to HIGH SPEED internet and if all students have a learning device from which they can access the activities being sent forward.   Please send responses to my email    Have a wonderful day

Posted: April 16, 2020

Morning    Letter

Dear Kids,

Good Morning!

Today is thinking Thursday April 16, 2020. What do you think about having no school?

The helper of the day is YOU!

It is a _________ day outside today. (what word would you write?)

The word of the day is this. This is a good day because the sun is out!  I think I will drive my bike today.

Be the best you can be! I miss you all so much.

Have  a  Wonderful  day!

Love, Mrs. Craig


Posted: April 15, 2020



Morning    Letter


Dear Kids,


Good Morning!


Today is wonder Wednesday, April 15, 2020.


You are the helper of the day. Who will you help today?


It is a _________ day outside today. (what word would you write?)


The word of the day is play. I will play outside in the sun. Will you?


I wonder what we will see when we go out? (Talk about it or make a picture write about it)


Be the best you can be! I miss you all so much. I will call you soon!


Have  a  Wonderful  day!


Love, Mrs. Craig



(find all the words that start with Ww in this letter)

Posted: April 15, 2020

Our word of the day is   p l a y .  Use it for STOP! DROP! and WRITE! 

Get a paper and pencil ready… set the timer for every 20-30 minutes when it goes off, STOP what you are doing and write for 2 minutes!  GO!!


Activities for Today

Visit tricky words on you tube and practice J

Read aloud:  choose from free online books to listen to! You can go to username: nblib password: nbschools for lots of book choices!

Language Arts: draw and write a story about playing outside?  Who?    What?    When?  You can send me a picture of you and your story! choose activities from the week 1 on the choice board I posted yesterday! :)

Math- continue working on Dreambox  aim for 5 activities per week.

Phys. ED and Social/Emotional- Choose activities from the activities posted.

Today would be You and Your World day… Use the web link for and choose a new book and lesson from the choices.

Posted: April 14, 2020

Activities for the week.  Choose different daily activities from WEEK 1.   Have fun.   

File home_leaning_k_mats_1_1.docx15.69 KB

Posted: April 14, 2020

Daily Routine:

Good day, good day, good day to you

Good day, good day, and how do you do?

The sun is shining, and the day is new

Good day, good day, and how do you do?

How do you do boys and girls.

Do you remember the days of the week song and the Months of the year? 

Now go to and make a calendar. (open for Kindergarten. click on the calendar or look at a calendar at home)


Morning    Letter

Dear Kids,

Good Morning!

Today is terrific Tuesday, April 14, 2020.

You are the helper of the day. How can you help today?

It is ____________ outside today. (what describing words would you write?)

The word of the day is had. I had a good Easter. Did you?

I feel terrific after I go for a good walk outside. What makes you feel terrific? (Talk about it or make a picture write about it)

Be the best you can be!

Have a wonderful day!   

        Love, Mrs. Craig

Posted: April 14, 2020

Our word of the day is  had.  Use it for STOP! DROP! and WRITE! 

Get a paper and pencil ready… set the timer for every 20-30 minutes when it goes off, STOP what you are doing and write for 2 minutes!  GO!!


Activities for Today

Visit tricky words on you tube and practice J

Read aloud:  choose from free online books to listen to! You can go to username: nblib password: nbschools for lots of book choices!

Language Arts: Make an Easter story using some words you know and s-t-r-e-t-ch and write the sounds you know in the other words.

Math- continue working on Dreambox - I hope you are enjoying it!

Phys. ED and Social/Emotional- Choose from the activities posted.

Today would be You and Your World day… Use the web link for and choose a book and lesson from the choices.

Musicplayonline link is provided on this page.  Have fun with some Spring songs.

Posted: April 14, 2020

You and Your World - April 14-17

We do Listen  provide learning opportunities in specific personal or social situations with Howard B. Wigglebottom.  Choose from various book choices and listen to the story. Stop (pause) in after every couple of pages and discuss Who and WHAT HAPPENED to increase comprehension.   Click on the "LESSONS" option to take the learning a little further.   

Posted: April 9, 2020


Morning    Letter


Dear Kids


Good Morning! 


Today is thoughtful Thursday, April 9, 2020.


Today is day # 4 of learning at home.


You are the helper of the day. How can you help today?


It is ____________ outside today. (what describing words would you write?)


The word of the day is going. What are you going to do today?


I am going to __________________________! (make a story with a picture!)


    Have a wonderful day!    Have a Happy Easter!


        Love, Mrs. Craig




Our word of the day is going.  Use it for STOP! DROP! and WRITE! 



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Added: Wed, Jun 17 2020


Added: Mon, Feb 2 2015