Posted: April 7, 2020
Daily Routine:
Good day, good day, good day to you
Good day, good day, and how do you do?
The sun is shining, and the day is new
Good day, good day, and how do you do?
How do you do boys and girls.
Do you remember the days of the week song and the Months of the year?
Now go to and make a calendar. (open for Kindergarten. click on the calendar or look at a calendar at home)
Morning Letter
Dear Mia, Jaykob, Parker, Connor, William, Cohen, and Katie!
How are you? I miss you all.
Today is wonderful Wednesday, April 8, 2020.
Today is day # 3 of learning at home.
You are the helper of the day. Do something to help Mom today.
It is ____________ outside today.(what describing words would you write?)
The word of the day is play. Will you go out to play today?
Are you having fun at home? I hope you are!
Have a wonderful day!
Love, Mrs. Craig
Our word of the day is play. Use it for STOP! DROP! AND WRITE! Play today, play games, board games, cards, indoors, outdoors just PLAY