it's been a while but we're back!!
Zoo Phonics-
Zoo News!
During our Friday safaris, Ellie Elephant, Francy Fish, Gordo Gorilla and Honey Horse were located and have helped the students learn about letters Ee Ff, Gg , Hh, Ii and Jj.
Value themes” “We have integrity and intelligence”
“feel joyful and enjoy life!"
Stay tuned for more Zoo News!
Patterns and Relations- continued work with various patterns- AB AAB AABB ABC etc. using objects and body actions- Children will be able to name, copy, extend and create patterns.
October 21st-25th, 2013
Here’s What’s Up!
Have everyone search and find items around your home that begin with K and L!
students have been working with the strokes called= plop, snore, prrsh, vroom!
*Math Outcome- Patterns and Relations- we are presently working on patterning with various "cores: A B, AAB, ABB, ABC etc. Our patterns are made using color size, actions, direction, shape etc.
Monday, October 21st–
Mad Science resumes
Tuesday October 22nd
Hot LUnch day- Taquitos
Wednesday October 23rd
Meet Lizzy Lizard
Thursday October 24th
Poetry Anthology - sing, read and play with the songs and poems. Point to words and discuss the meaning of each. Locate letters that we have been learning about!
Friday October 25th
Pizza Day! Remember please, send money in a bag or container showing names and number of pieces in the home folder please.
SOCK HOP!! THanK YOU Home and School!